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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project " Staff mobility as development incentive” is addressed to a group of 13 employees (teachers and education staff) of Centre no 6 for Blind and Visually Impaired Students in Lodz, Poland. The project is consistent with the objectives of mobility action of Erasmus +: increasing the level of key competencies, increasing quality, innovation and internationalization of educational institutions, promotion of lifelong learning , enhancing the European dimension in education, improving learning / teaching of foreign languages, promotion of the EU language diversification. The Centre educational staff constantly increase their qualifications as working with students with disabilities require special preparation because of their unequal educational opportunities due to their impairment. A SWOT analysis and a survey carried out among the staff revealed the need to improve the level of quality of work of the Centre and its organization, the need of learning European standards in the field of education of pupils with special needs in order to transfer best practices to school operations. Analysis identified the need to intensify international cooperation , also by bringing the issue of multiculturalism and increasing the staff competence in the field of foreign languages. Modified European Development Plan stipulated improving the quality of the educational offer of the Centre and increasing the quality of work in the institution ,showing the need for innovation and the application of European standards.The overall objective of this project is to increase the European dimension of education in Centre no 6 for Blind and Visually Impaired Students in Lodz in the period 1.06.2016.- 31.05.2017 through the implementation of international mobilities.Specific objective 1: Increase in the quality of organization actions and intensification of individualized support for the students with special educational needs in the Centre No. 6.Specific Objective 2: Improvement of language competences by 20% of 13 Centre employees through participation in mobility .Specific Objective 3: Increasing awareness of the importance of educational processes internationalization among the Centre staff.Implementation of the project is planned for a period of 1 year from 01.06.2016.The first activity is the recruitment process carried out by the Recruitment Commission in accordance with the principle of equal opportunities. The next step is language and culture preparation of participants . Mobility actions implementation will take place in the period from June to November 2016. The two 5 and 6-person groups will take part in weekly trainings on the functioning of the education system and support of students with special needs in Finland and Spain. One person (an English teacher ) will take a two-week cultural and language training in the UK. One person from the management team will take a two-week training in English language in the UK. The organization of mobility and other activities in the project will be carried out by the Project Team. The project will be managed in accordance with the principle of equal opportunities. During the project evaluation, monitoring, valorization, reporting will be implemented. ICT tools and platforms will be used for project purposes. After completion of the projects its results will be disseminated, through media, conference and online platforms.expected project outcomes:-getting to know the education system in the mobility countries by the Centre staff-mobility actions realization certified by Europass- language skills improvement of 13 Centre employees- establishing international cooperation - raising employees professional qualifications and their professional market value- gaining experience in the field of mobility projects implementation by the Centre StaffThe project will positively affect the performance quality of the Centre ,it will increase the creativity and innovation of its educational processes The student will therefore be also the beneficiaries of the project thanks to the quality of teaching processes improvement and increasing individualization of support for students with special needs. The long-term benefit is the growth of the European dimension of education in the institution , and starting international cooperation constitutes a synergy effect.
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