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Mobilność kadry edukacji szkolnej szansą na rozwijanie innowacji pedagogicznych w ZS1
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The objectives of our project are coherent with assumptions of our school European Developement Plan. General aim of the project is to acquire key and proffesional competences among our school educational staff by involvement in educational mobilities in other EU countries. Particular objectives are as follows: implementation of pedagogical innovations, developement of creativity, improvement of foreign languages skills among our teachers as well as a cooperation establishment with schools and training centres in other EU countries. We hope that thanks to this project our school teachers will learn about other cultures, break stereotypes and will take an active part in international projects of Erasmus + Programme.During the project 6 teachers (sailing instructors) of our junior high school innovative class (sailing profile) will take part in in specialized sailing courses Day Skipper Course and Coastal Skipper Course in which they will attain certificates for Day Skipper and Coastal Skipper Course. Direct influence of the project will be seen in enhancing their qualifications and skills in sea sailing, as well as improving their English language and intercultural competences. Breaking stereotypes and openess towards broader participation in planned by our school Erasmus + Programmes. We expect uor school through involvement in the project will enhance its significance and competitiveness in the region. The programme of innovations introduced by our school is aimed to take steps to improve efectiveness of education in our school, as part of which conditions of school classes organisation and content of teaching will be modified. The priority of our innovation is to create equal opportunities in education of students in Pomerania region through implementation of programmes which form key kompetences in the field of regional marine education.Contact with teachers from other EU countries will effect in creating and applying for future Erasmus + projects. It will efect in persoanal developement of our teachers, breaking barriers to work in an international environment and gaining intercultural skills. Potential influence of our project will be broader cooperation with local officials and stakeholders - Town Municipality and Northern Kashubian Fishermen Group. Consequently, our school will becoma an "ambasador" of Erasmus + projects and its importance in region will greatly improve in a long-term perspective.

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