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Mobilność i wysokie kwalifikacje zawodowe przepustką do lepszej przyszłości
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The purpose of „Mobility and high vocational qualifications – an open sasame to better future” project is meeting needs and requirements of modern vocational education and training system and improving its attractiveness and effectiveness. It is mainly aimed at developing students’ life and vocational knowledge, skills and competences and gaining valuable work experience during professional internships abroad, which would give students better opportunities to enter and participate actively in the domestic as well as European labour market. The applicant is ( Agriculture School Group Education Centre ) ZSCKR in Rzemień and the internship providers will be enterprises in Ireland specializing in catering, agriculture and veterinary sectors. The beneficiaries of the project will be adult students of upper-secondary technical school who are learning to become nutrition and catering services technicians, agriculture technicians and veterinary technicians provided that they are given an opportunity to take part in two-week internships in Ireland.Carefully planned and well organized vocational training enables students to broaden vocational knowledge, acquire job-related skills and adjust qualifications to demands and requirements of employers due to constant changes in the labour market. The traineeships in Ireland may definitely contribute to a better career perspective.The objectives of the project are:- Acquiring additional vocational qualifications, skills and experience confirmed by appropriate documents ( certificates, EUROPASS Mobility, references from employers) - Improving the quality, effectiveness and relevance of the VET system by means of improving students’ vocational skills and competences;- Adjusting vocational qualifications to the needs of employers and the labour market;- Enhancing educational offer of ZSCKR in Rzemień by adding the opportunity to practice abroad; increasing a prestige of the school as a provider of high standards of vocational education and training;- Increasing motivation and the awareness of the need of life - long learning;- Exchanging and promoting good practices;- Creating students’ life and social skills by developing their creative thinking, mobility, enterprising spirit and self confidence during the process of planning future life;- Boosting educational support for students with learning disabilities and from needy families that come from rural areas ( equaling opportunities );- Improving key foreign language skills including language for specific purposes;- Increasing the beneficiaries’ chances as prospective employers or employees in both domestic and foreign job markets;The aims mentioned above and intended effects arise from observed and diagnosed needs of students, teaching staff, employers and local community. First and foremost activity will be a process of transition from theoretical education to practical learning at the workplace. Direct contact with an employer as well as breaking down language and cultural barriers will also be essential.Completing the internship and an achieved mark will be taken into consideration when the final assessment of students’ practical vocational training is made. Our partner in the project will be “Your International Training” - an organization that has long experience in managing and coordinating educational projects. They take care of all organizational details and cooperate in preparing, implementing and evaluating of the project. They also provide transport, full board accommodation, safety, internship arrangement, a language course and culture programme. We intend to popularise the idea and results also during the project. We are planning to take a number of steps to promote the idea in the local community as well as nationwide. We expect that completing internships by students from our school will become a permanent need of developing the VET system in Subcarpathian Voivodship. We believe that it will allow the beneficiaries to be professionals who will be able to connect theory, practical skills, knowledge of new trends and technology with their personal growth. The idea of internships is also a great chance for the school. It resulted from students’ needs and suggestions. Unfortunately, it will not succeed unless we manage to obtain some financial resources. ( obtain a subsidy )
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