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Mobilność drogą do sukcesu
Start date: Dec 15, 2014, End date: Dec 14, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The purpose of the program is to activate and help young people gain new skills. Nowadays, young people have minimum skills and qualifications after graduating and that’s is way they are often unemployed. As vocational school graduates are out of work mainly due to lack of appropriate practical skills for their trained professions, the experience and practical knowledge gained during traineeship increased the professional qualifications of participants, which in turn raised their attractiveness in the labor market. The purpose of the project ”Mobility as a way to success” was to gain new skills and job experience. The project had 39 participants – students and graduates from vocational and technical schools from zachodniopomorskie voivodeship which were learning in the field of tourism, catering and hospitality through training in Spanish and Italian work places. Main actions taken in the project were: recruiting the participants, language and cultural preparation in sending and hosting country, organization of internships for 39 participants and popularization and evaluation of the project. The group of 39 students and graduates from vocational and technical schools, educating in the field of tourism, catering and hospitality, which live in the zachodnipomorskie voivodeship, were the participants of the project. Before starting the abroad internship, participants had a one month language and cultural training, during which, they learned about culture and customs in Spain and Italy and they had also learned some trade vocabulary. It had helped them to adapt to the new environment. The internships in Italy took place from 05.07.2015 to 29.08.2015 and in Spain: 1st group from 30.06.2015 to 25.08.2015, 2nd group from 05.07.2015 from 29.08.2015. Europass Mobility confirms experience gained by the participants and it had also become a chance for employment in Poland and other European countries. The project helped to prepare young people to work in European standards and it had created the basics of modern education system, offering an attractive from of education. The period of the internship was good enough to practice all of the gained professional skills. The cooperation between sending and hosting country and gained experience allowed to achieve this goal and it could be a start of new cooperation and some other future internship projects. In such a difficult local labor market and opportunities for employment in other European countries, this cooperation can contribute to increase mobility amongst beneficiaries. The participants of the project had been also using some mentoring support which was provided by the project’s partners during their stay abroad. The participants were assigned to certain task and responsibilities corresponding to the effects of learning and goals. They were also provided with an access to proper equipment and support. Every action had been determined by the quality framework, which was consulted with the sending and receiving organization. The organizations, which were involved in implementation of the project, had consulted with each other an learning agreement for every participant of the project. The content of the classes were prepared in the way to insure a proper coordination with the period of the internship to the classes which every participant attended to. Graduates from vocational schools took part in the project in order to increase their the chances for employment and make it easier for them to enter the labor market. The participation in the project had an influenced on changes and attitudes in the field of career planning, gaining new professional and social skills and being open minded towards new challenges, countries and possibilities.
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