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MobilityGARAC: un projet européen et professionnel de développement
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "MobilityGARAC: a European and professionnal project on developping" is a true evolution for the GARAC which is involved in the European Mobility since 2008 thanks to the subvention from Europ. GARAC has a main mission to enable students to discover four different countries through culture, sports and professional life. The project is based on: - an exchange with Czech Republic: a partnership since 2004 for a four-week period with an automotive school from Holice with a car competition. - an exchange with the professional organization IDAN for a three-week period thanks to the French collegues ANFA which helps schools to get in touch with schools from this country in order to carry on the Erasmus + project - an exchange with a lithuanian school, Vilnius Car Mechanics, for a period of two weeks and the development of a long-term cooperation with the competition on the mechanics skills. - an exchange with a greek school, 1st EPAL Amaliadas, thanks to the organization COPAE for a two-week period. The project is based on three main items: - the length of the mobility: from two up to four weeks depending on the country. Students gain a huge experience from the country they discover: a different culture far from what they are used to. - an exchange: the purpose of the exchange is to build a true cooperation between our country and the others to develop communication between students from the first exchange and with the arrival of the students they've been exchanging with since the last time they've met. - the work placement which enables students to discover their work done in a different country with different methods. The practise they would gain during their work placement will be assessed for their final exam. It will give them the opportunity to develop their skills. The choice of the companies and the position of our students are done on a mutual agreement with our partners and their helps. For our students which will go in Lithuania or in Greece, they will spend some time in the workshops of the schools in order to discover how the courses are done through themes and the second week they will go in car companies to develop their skills.

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