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Mobility for Integration and EDUcational PRACTICES learning
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

STVG has been working with partner organisations on European level for more than 20 years. To improve the quality of work and exchange with partners and to deepen the understanding of the European Educational Area and the collaboration within transnational projects, STVG and the staff working in the various areas of education and training, like to use the KA1 Project "EDU PRACTICES" for the development of the "European competences" of all staff involved, through insight into working approaches of colleagues in similar working areas and responsibilities, but different national, organisational and personal frameworks. At the same time by learning about other European areas one reflects the own system and understands more the differences, advantages and disadvantages. This is relevant for further development within the working areas of STVG and for the staff members within their own working area. The general approach of STVG is to send members of the management team of the association to improve their skills and abilities to partners in DE, SE and UK. The main learning question is "key competences for staff working in transnational projects with the focus on educational planning and the threshold from school to the world of work". There are 3 activities planned in the project "EDU PRACTICES" A1: Mobility for Managers, who have worked in European projects and / or have been participants of European project meetings - European Project Participation (EP) A2: Mobility for Managers, who have coordinated already European projects and / or who have organized project meetings and / or who have led work packages - European Project Leader (EL) A3: Mobility for Managing Direction – European Strategy (ES) Each mobility will follow a structure and will be individually shaped according to the individual needs and ideas of the respective participants: - National preparation phase (service and support - group levels and individual level) - National preparation phase (individual agreements and contacts with the peer colleague) - European learning mobility (5 days) - each day will be structured following the rule 1. learning question 2. experience 3. reflection 4. insights and review of the learning question. At the end of the stay: summary and overall refelection - National follow-up (service and support - group levels and individual level) - dissemination within the organisaton (Workshop, presentations, work in projects including the development of new projects) - support of further avtivities - Evaluation (European with the partners and national - STVG) We expect motivation and a deeper understanding of the European educational policies from the involved staff. We hope that peer to peer contacts will develop a working level for further collaboration (in daily work). Additionally, we hope to increase the willingness to collaborate within European educational projects. We also expect the staff to develop language expertise in one foreign language (EN). We wish to support all activities in the development of human resources within our organisation. And last but not least, we would like to support the European Idea with the individual learning mobilities.

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