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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This consortium has been created in order to align the concerns from vocational education schools in the Valencian Autonomous Community that offer the professional degree on fashion and textiles (GM en Confección y Moda). While this sector has been of historical relevance in the region, during last few years there has been an important reduction in activity within this sector and also a reduced demand for these studies. Nevertheless, such demand is now starting to increase slightly. The M.O.D.A. project (MObility activities in Design, textiles and fAshion), is about pushing the sector, moving it closer to the European market, to make it possible to incorporate knowledge, materials, trends, working methods and any other innovations. It is mainly focused on the students and their need of increasing their hands-on experience. It also aims to promote their personal skills via self development by letting them face different environments and get the best out of themselves; they will harvest the fruits from their efforts and achieve personal autonomy. Getting them out of their country will help students to place themselves in an European context and to expand their professional horizons. It is also focused on vocational education schools by offering them the opportunity to update and enrich their vocational programs, their pedagogical methods and the qualifications of their teachers.The destination selected with this purpose is Italy, cradle of fashion and point of reference for this sector worldwide. Two mobility activities are defined:1. Student mobility for placement in companies abroad. Focussed on the following two groups of students that will carry out a 4-week placement: - just graduated: 30 grants are requested for students to carry out their placement within 12 months of their graduation; no later than September to allow them to continue higher degree studies. - students on 2nd course: 13 grants are requested for students who will carry out this placement in March, such that these 4 weeks will be the first ones of his obligatory FCT. 2. Mobility for training teachers. Five grants are requested for any teacher within the sector of professional training in textiles and fashion (GM en Confección y Moda) to learn from teachers in a similar vocational education school in Italy for 1 week..In the project development stage, members of the consortium meet to define the project and to introduce it to the students and teachers of every school. The mobility stage needs meticulous preparation and an exhaustive follow-up from the consortium. In the final dissemination stage, every school announces its results, and works at internal level to incorporate the lessons learned to the methodology and training contents of the school.For all this activities, the consortium has defined the following network:- Consortium Coordinator: the IES Sivera Font acts as consortium coordinator; it centralizes the management of the project, relationship between partners, calendar of activities for pre and post-mobility, as well as for placements (mobilities), trip organization, dissemination seminars, etc..- Sending partners: IES Siver Font, CIPFP Ciutat de l'Aprenent and IES Serra Mariola. Every centre is individually responsible of publishing the summons of grants, selecting its participants and of the assignment of grants according to previously published common criteria. During the mobility, the person in charge of every school will realize a follow-up of the placement development.- Intermediary hosting partner: Essenia, with its experience in training and in European mobility projects, will contact the consortium and Italian hosting partners, will collaborate in the assignment of companies according to the profile of every student and it will carry out an exhaustive follow-ups of the placement development. They offer daily support both to students and teachers on mobility.- Hosting partners: vocational education schools with degrees in textiles and fashion such as IIS F. Orioli will host teachers on job-shadowing and will contact the consortium with well-known companies working in this sector; including Nati Moda as a leader in Italy, a role model of entrepreneurship and good professional practices. The expected mid and long term results are, in summary, twofold: (a) the integration of the students in the European market via upskilling and improving their personal and professional development; and (b) the improvement of vocational educational training in textiles and fashion within the Valencian Autonomous Community; leading to a long term in the long term boost in this sector.

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