European Projects
MObilités Valorisées de l'Enseignement Agricole pa..
MObilités Valorisées de l'Enseignement Agricole par Acquis d'Apprentissage
Start date: Jul 1, 2014,
End date: Jun 30, 2016
Learning outcomes from the MOVEA+ project are focused on VET learners, beneficiaries and main actors, who will be able to express their various knowledge in ECVET words thanks to an ad hoc preparation and a collaborative implementation of the project.
This new project, led by the Saint Herblain EPLEFPA which is « certified » since 2010, aims for sending 300 learners from agricultural secondary schools into an European country for a working placement. Each mobility activity will last minimum 28 days. The ECVET system will be applied and preparation (pedagogical, intercultural…) will be included with the implementation of new instruments for the learner: self evaluation grid and online tools easy to reach with a Smartphone application.
The compulsory linguistic preparation will be done with the free online linguistic support in English, German, Italian, Spanish and will be established on a specific budget for the other European languages (after consent of the consortium coordinator).
The traineeship is an integral part of the studies; Students are girls and boys between 16 and 20 years old, pupils from agricultural secondary schools, all gathered in a national network: The France EUROPEA association, which aims for developing European exchanges of its members via EUROPEA International, counting more than 1 000 “green” secondary schools all over Europe.
To carry out all the activities, mutual responsibilities are shared, each partner involved knows his part: how and when one has to contribute to the on-going schedule decided together, to prepare departures and learners, to ensure 1-the quality of the mobilities (Charter) and 2- that learning outcomes are properly recognized… A diagram, (cf annex 2) describes procedures and the use of different tools.
This application aims for developing this collaborative methodology practised in France EUROPEA Association, on the one hand to BUILD educational transition between LLP and Erasmus+ programs for all involved partners: teaching staffs, sending or receiving organisations, and above all, the learner, with specific tools.
On the other hand, to better INVOLVE the final beneficiary in acquiring expected outcomes through traineeship in Europe, supported under these 5 objectives : 1-improving learning performance, 2- increasing self-empowerment and self esteem, 3- improving foreign/mother language competences, 4- enhancing intercultural awareness and 5-expressing learning outcomes and added value via informal educational opportunities.
Outcomes and impacts are focused on the learner: the main actor of the project. Prepared by an educational team who –via steering committees- will develop specific tools (a follow up Smartphone application, a self evaluation grid of the benefits), the learner draws basis of his success, defines himself the aimed objectives and outcomes before assessing them through newly known frames: Europass, Mobility Tool, ECVET items.
Educational teams and every partner will learn about the validation of these improvements within the ECVET framework. All are aware and will have known a concrete approach of this European methodology making qualifications more transparent.
Furthermore, various potential outcomes will/can benefit:
- Every partner will have a concrete experience of ECVET at least about informal educational outcomes gained by the trainees involved in the project
- Complete staffs in schools implied in the project, administrators and professional partners, pupils involved with their families …
- Each member of the France EUROPEA association will know about the project, objectives, experiences and outcomes which are presented/discussed in each meeting and published on website…
- Formal teachers and National administration from Educational Department of Agricultural Ministry which are involved in ECVET implementation, i.e. via specific Workshops, sharing experiences led by some pioneers/actors within such projects…