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Mobilité-stage pour la Section Européenne du Lycée Professionnel
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The beneficiaries of our ERASMUS+ project are 20 students who are attending upper secondary vocational training courses in the field of management and administration, sales, retailing, customer reception/customer relations ,warehouse management as well as visual communication. The students are enrolled in our “European Section” where English is taught more intensively and a four-week work placement abroad is organized in lower sixth form (in June 2017)The sending institution is Lycée Professionnel Montplaisir represented by its steering team consisting of three teachers, the international relations’ manager and the deputy head of school. The team sets up the mobilities, explores new partnership opportunities, monitors the work placements, validates the achievements and follows up on the international partner-network.The receiving institutions are firms in the services sector which are located in Malta and Ireland. Most of the firms have been cooperating with Lycée Montplaisir for many years thanks to previous mobility projects. The companies are very well informed about the participants’ profiles and offer quality work placements which match the requirements of the training courses attended by the students.The needs which we have identified and which justify our application are the following:• valorization of the French vocational baccalauréat diploma• enhancement of vocational baccalauréat school leavers employability• improvement of the participants’ geographic mobility, autonomy, and hence their opportunities on the European labor market• raise of the students awareness of European citizenshipThe expected results with regard to the participants are the following:• Progress in terms of vocational and language skills / competences.• Familiarizing with another way of life and another working environment and hence developing more intercultural open-mindedness• Personal development: autonomy and self-confidence.The expected results with regard to the sending institution are:• Development of a long lasting network of international partnership.• Quality assurance of work placements through close cooperation with partner companies.• Valorization of vocational training courses• Enhancement of our institutions’ process of internationalization• Amelioration of our profile and reputation thanks to internationalization.
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