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Mobilité professionnelle, un atout supplémentaire pour l'emploi
Start date: Jun 10, 2014, End date: Jun 9, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our vocational school is situated in the city center of Montargis, a small town of the Centre Region. Our school is registered as an education action zone (called ZEP in France) according to the classification of the Ministry of Education. This means that the students’ families deal with important social problems. Some of our students have met school problems when they were in their secondary schools and they came to our vocational school because they couldn’t study in a traditional high school. These young have lost their school and social landmarks and our role as teachers is to help them to become self-confident anew. Our main mission as education specialists is to encourage them, to focus on the positive aspects of their personality. We also have to find more and more innovative tools for this kind of public. The mobility is a real lever for a good integration into the workplace because it allows the students to become more open-minded. It’s also very important for their language skills that all the managerial actors can help the students to learn a foreign language in very good conditions. Latin countries, France being a part of them, have been pointed by the Brussels Commission as being Europe’s bad pupils for language teaching. It is thus important for French schools to organize new educational learning methods. Our challenge, while launching this plan, is to give all these young the hope for a better professional future. The English language, as it is taught in our school, must become an oral means of communication and exchange in our students’ professional environment. To take up the challenge, we have created a project steering committee in charge of implementing and of following this mobility plan. The first phase was to determine the grades that would be part of this European plan. The project steering committee decided that the students preparing a BTEC in Commerce, Sales or Customer Relation would benefit from this innovative career path in a foreign European country. The three branches are part of the European class created in our vocational school and it was thus natural to set up this plan for this school grade and this type of studies. We have registered the 22 students that were in this class. The activities scheduled during this mobility are the following ones: - One week of lessons in a language school (Irish or English) with an individual accommodation in a host-family for a better immersion of our students. - Three weeks of internship in an Irish or English firm in the professional domain of each of our students. - The students will be able to familiarize themselves with the habits and customs, which are different from ours, as far as culture and the professional domain are concerned. A plan methodology will be implemented by the teachers and the management team of the school within the frame of the project steering committee. Tools for the preparation and for the follow-up of the activities are implemented. In the appendix 1, you will find a chart explaining the role of all the partners of the plan and one schedule of the activities planned for the whole duration of the project. Concerning the assessment of the students, the official grids used for the GCSE have been adapted and translated in English for a better comfort of our English partners. We’re also planning tools for the assessment of our project but we haven’t finalized those documents yet because the first mobility will take place in 2015. The impact and the results expected from this project are the following ones: - For the students: an acquired autonomy, a better maturity, a wider open-mindedness, an improvement of the language skills and the acquisition of new professional savoir-faire and behavioral skills. - For our school: a diversification of the proposed trainings, a professional recognition by the surrounding high schools and by our governing bodies, a satisfaction to have given some of our students access to the possibility to pass their exam with better results than the previous years and a true feeling of pride to have succeeded in achieving our goal for our challenge. - For all our foreign partners: a good work in close collaboration with them, the impression to be on the right way for a more united Europe on the educational and professional level. - For the firms surrounding our school: a better matching between the supply and the demand concerning the hirings. In the long term, we hope to be able to allow more and more students to benefit from these European mobilities.

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10 Partners Participants