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Mobilité professionnelle des apprentis de la CMARA CFA section 33
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This Erasmus + project promoted professional mobility of apprentices in the CMARA CFA 33 by providing quality and innovative training. This project involved 2 professional mobilities for apprentices at the end of training (3rd or 4th year of training). First group (The 2 groups than we originally planned have been consolidated into one over the same period) : Destination: Barcelona, Spain Participants: 22 apprentices (butchers, bakers, pastry chefs, hairdressers, beauticians) and 4 accompanying trainers (Who took turns to half of the insternship period) Duration: 3 weeks internship in a craft business corresponding to the formation of the apprentice Calendar: February, 29 to 20 March 2016 inclusive Partner: IES Consulting - intermediary organization that helped us to the logistics on site and placement of participants in host companies. Second group: Location: London, United Kingdom Participants: 12 apprentices hairdressers and 2 accompanying trainers Duration: 3 weeks of internship in hair salon with 3 days of training in the professional hair salon "Croydon College" organized during the first week of stay. Calendar: March 06 to 26 March 2016 inclusive Partners: Apprendre l'Anglais limited (UK) - intermediary organization that helped us to the logistics on site and placement of participants in host companies. The main objectives of these European mobility projects were : - To offer professional experience abroad for apprentices - To enhance their professional and language skills and know-being - To enhance the careers of the participants and encourage their post diploma professional integration. - To offer a better quality training for apprentices. The organization of each step of mobility and the educational content of the internship were defined in advance between the different actors of the project (host and sending partner, organizations through, teaching staff of the CFA sending). Participants were regularly informed of the conduct of the project by the referent mobility and more frequently during the week before the internship. The good progress of each project required a continuous connection between the sending partner and the host partner before, during and after mobility ; especially as the pre-study visit was not possible.. The activities entrusted to the participants in the host company followed a general program defined in advance and were graduated according to the ease and ability of each participant. The European internship was validated by Europass and valued by a professional travel reporting. The main impact expected for this type of project was that everyone benefits from this experience abroad for further training or to prepare their employability. It also aimed to promote artisanal career projects abroad (whether EU-wide or wider geographical scale).

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