European Projects
Mobilité internationale pour tous
Mobilité internationale pour tous
Start date: Jun 2, 2015,
End date: Jun 1, 2017
An experience in European or international mobility is an asset for any young person. The skills gained through this type of experience are very important and valuable for his future life as a person, a professional, and a citizen. This statement matches even more the public of young people with fewer opportunities. Contrarly to what is generally thought, young people with a low level of qualification, few financial ressources, social/personnal issues, or disabled, etc, could benefit from a mobility experience, should they access a professional guidance, support and proper preparation. In France and in Europe, several organisations share the same values and work in favor of this public. The field of international mobility has evolved in France as in Europe in the past few years, with new programs; but mostly with the development of a wide approach on international mobility. With employment, training and volunteering opportunities, with project in group or for individuals, mobility comes in all shapes and forms. This project is created with the aim to work extensivly on the subject, with a consortium of 8 partners, including 3 French (Jeunes à Travers le Monde, UNAREC, et Itinéraire International), 4 European (Cesavo en Italie, Institute for United Europe et Eduq en Pologne, Dynamo en Belgique), and a European network (Volonteurope), who would gather around this subject and these values, emphasizing strongly on the essential role of guidance and mentoring of young people with fewer opportunities. Public of youngsters we are dealing with is composed of young people with fewer opportunities, or Netts, or vulnerable adults aged between 18 and 30.The project coordinator is a French organisation amed Itinéraire International. The organisation has the opportunity to cooperate with each organisation, most of which already know each other. All of them share the same observation and motives. The projects offers to the partenrs to cooperate together for:- the promotion at EU level, of a proper trade on mentoring young people with fewer oppotunities, and the creation of new training tools for professionals or future professionals. - the development of a common advocacy speech and create a formal cooperation network that will disseminate the speech and will act to make mobility more accessible and inclusive in the future. The end of the project will drive us to 2017, when the partners will be able to participate to the dialogues around the future Europea programmes in 2020. Activities of the project will be carried around workshops and between groundwork professionals who will exchange on their (best) practices, develop and experiment new working methods. The project also includes 2 seminars, one is organised during the project to invite a wide number of new partners to join the formal network, and one that will be the closing event to present and disseminate the results at the end of the project. Among various dissemination and communication activities, a website will be created to share information with any person or organisation interested.