Search for European Projects

Mobilité européenne pour tous
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Jean MOULIN Vocationnal School offers a large selection of courses in the fields of Business, Sale (Prospection, Negociating), Arcu (Services and Customer Advice), GA (Secretarial Practice) and Logistics. Our school has always been turned towards Europe, by giving its students the opportunity to study three different foreign languages (English, Spanish and German) even before the diploma programme curriculum of the new Baccalauréat Professionnel (equivalent of the Btec first diploma) made the second foreign language compulsary. Moreover, two european sections ( English and Spanish) are now proposed to all our students, whathever class or educationnal background they come from. We are also currently working on promoting our partneship with the German secondary school of Castrop Rauxel in Germany. Most of our students come from popular backgrounds with 32% of them receiving scholarships based on socio economic criteria. Thanks to our european sections and this ERASMUS mobility project we try to offer them better chances to integrate higher education, and therefore have better work opportunities as well in France as in other european countries. For the 2014/2015 academic year we are planning to send 23 students abroad : 15 in London (UK) and 8 in Salamanca (Spain). Their mobility will take place during the last year of their three year course in order for them to have enough time to enrich their skills and work on their social and professionnal behaviours. In order to join our european sections our students must take a test during their first semester so the teachers can evaluate both their level in foreign language, but most importantly their motivation. Once they have been accepted, they have three extra courses per week, when they study the basics of the professionnal vocabulary, learn how to present a CV and cover letter in a foreign language. The students also learn about Europe, and more specifically about UK and Spain (culture, working relationships, habits, etc.). Once their Europass CV and cover letter have been submitted to the companies, during the second year of their three year course, the students are selected by the teachers with the help of the tutors in London and Salamanca. The selection is also based on the grades of the students, their behaviour, their maturity and their involvement in the class. The mobility is organised by the teachers of our school (with the help of our Headmaster and our accountant). We book the train (or plane) tickets, book the hostels or host families, fint the host companies (we have luckily been working with the same companies and universities in London for the past ten years thanks to the success of our previous mobilities). We accompany the students during the first three days abroad, introduce them to their tutors, show them the city. During teir stay, the teachers, the tutors and tue students communicate a great deal (by mail and by phone) in order to prevent any problem to happen. In Spain, our partner (Echange Franco Espagnol) chaperons the students in every way. We try to connect the students doing their mobility (abroad) and the ones preparing one (in our school) thanks to internet and visioconference (Skype). At the end of their mobility, our students fill in evaluation grids so we can benefit from their experience and enrich the next mobility.

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