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Mobilité Européenne dans le cadre des Périodes de Formations en Milieu Professionnel en Bac Pro Métiers de l'automobile
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is to help and encourage our students to have a professional experience abroad in a European country and so, to allow them to speak a foreign language and to discover new methods of work as well as another culture. To cap it all, it will allow them to have a better autonomy at work as well as in their private life.The project consits of sending our students to spain to do their training period in a car workshop in Plasencia in the county of Extramadura". They will stay there 4 weeks.These four weeks training period is one of the six other compulsory training periods included in their curriculum for their exam (called BAC PRO car mechanic which lasts 3 years).There will be 6 students chosen for this project. They are in year 2 (in "1ère" class). This will take place in june 2017. The other students from the class will have their training period at the same time but in France.The six students we are proposing are between 16 and 19 and come from low social classes most of the time and have never had the oportunity to go away from home to discover other cultures. nor to be confronted with a different professional environnement.During this training period, the students will accomplish the tasks inherent to their curriculum They will do the common repair partly on their own or with the help of another car mechanic from the work shop.They will also accomplish easy diagnosis on their own or more complicated ones but with the help of professional mechanics. As a result, the students will have to commicate with the wole Spanish Staff and customers.Description of the contents of the training period as demanded in the curriculum:. welcome the customer and take the vehicule. make a diagnosis (find the brakedown). do the repair. give the vehicle back to the customers.Our school has welcomed students from the Spanish vocational school "IES VIRGIN DEL PUERTO" for 6 years. With the Spanish teacher we've worked together to decide the tasks that will be accomplished with the Spanish students as well as at the workshops they will work and we've also planned French visits around Bordeaux during their time off.Thanks to this teamwork with the Spanish vocational school of Plasencia, our Spanish colleagues are in charge of establishing contracts (conventions) between the trainees and the workshops willing to welcome them. (we already visited them last summer and paid for the fees of such a visit).A file, including all tasks and skills that are demanded. will be given to the trainer and will allow a permanent communication between the local workshop and the school where the students come from.In other words, this will allow us to follow the progress in professional skills as well as in linguistics of our trainees during the visits the trainers' teachers will make twice a week.A convention for lodging will also be done between our school and the host. Visits during the week-ends will be organised by both the french and the Spanish teachers. French teachers will be with the students during these visits.In conclusion. Such a different professional experience will be very rich for our students from "BAC PRO" because it will allow them to discover different techniques and will enrich their skills in car mechanics.It will also be of great value for them as it will make them face new situations and as such, will make them develop better autonomy and adaptability.This, of course, will be of great value for them when they seek employment in the future.Besides, the practice of a foreign language will also be a great advantage for our students and will help them to get a job in the Bordeaux local car mechanics employment market. Needless to say the importance of this projects for our students (and future citizens) in the current European job market.

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