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mobilité euro STV
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school is a private and Catholic school which is 350 years old and was founded by Father Ange le Proust who invited a group of nurse-sisters to join him in his hospital in Lamballe (Brittany). In 1661 the Saint Thomas de Villeneuve Congregation was created. The sisters opened a boarding school for English girls. We now have a nursery and a primary unit as well as a vocational and technical school. We also teach post-graduate students. Teachers are dedicated and help their pupils the best they can in their work and in their personal achievement. Our pupils are not highly motivated because they do not usually choose to study in a vocational course. Our aim and our duty are to help them find motivation and self-esteem while offering them interactive and challenging projects and lessons. Very often, parents are keen on having their children improve their language skills for their future. Parents who choose our school are interested in the exchange trips we organize and the international side of the school. Most parents are from middle class or working class. They choose private education for their children even though it is expensive for them because they want the best. Quite often, they cannot help their children with their homework and cannot afford to send them abroad. Our school is very dynamic and we organize many activities to motivate our students (trips to England, a one month work experience in England since 2003, a two weeks work experience in Spain, an exchange with some pupils in Norway, integration seminary, revision week-end, conferences, outings,…). Our European section in English opened in 2004 for pupils in Secretarial and accounting vocational courses that has become Management Administration today. That section glows on the whole school and is a key section for our school, completely part of our educational project. Since 2003, one year before getting the label European Section, a group of 8 to 15 students do a one month work experience in England, Felixstowe. The last group went in May-June 2014 to do a work experience in charity shops or restaurants. From 2015 our partnership with our English teacher personal contact has stopped and we had to turn to an agency to help us find new partnerships and help us with the organization and the following up of our students. We have selected « Language Solution agency » in Portsmouth with care and we have trusted them to help us find the best placements and families for our students. We have written an ERASMUS + project for the first time to help finance those mobilities. Our pupils were supposed to do their work experience in June 2015 but we got the funds later than expected so we postponed their internship as we could not organize those mobilities without the ERASMUS + funds. Our students left in two groups, the first one was a group of 11 students in Admin GNVQ Adavanced in December/November 2015 and the second group was a group of 15 students in Admin GNVQ in january/February 2016. The grant was given for 24 students but we decided to send 26 students to England as they were highly motivated. In their first Year of GNVQ, all the students spent a week in England (Margate or Herne Bay) to discover an English country. The project is lead by the two English teachers and the monitoring team, the students, the parents, the Headmistress and the deputy Head teacher in charge of the vocational school and the staff, the RIDF, the CRE, our sponsors. Everyone was kept up to date with the different steps: contact with Language Solution to organize the work experiences, information for parents, collection of documents, survival kit booklet for the students, students preparation, trip to Ireland, evaluation in the English companies, financial balance, events organizations and news of the European section broadcasted through the school. The excellent results our pupils have received every year for their European distinction (between 95 and 100%), TOEIC and TOEIC Bridge success, Europass cocktail, events in the European section were always communicated and put forward on our internet website, to high schools around us especially our partner high school Saint Augustin, the town, the local paper, parents and pupils. Work experiences abroad have a positive impact on our school because the pupils who have lived that experience are extremely proud to share it. A European section created 12 years ago and so successful can only glow on the school. That project is a key project in our school and we hope that it will last for a long time thanks to the grant we will get from our Erasmus+ plus project.
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