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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main goal of the lycée Louis Feuillade is to open itself to the international level. So, our students who attend to the first year of vocational training such as "Baccalauréat Professionnel Gestion et Administration et Accueil Relation Clients et Usagers and Commerce", can apply for the European program.So, 10 third year students from secondary school will go to Toledo (Spain) to do their last training period. This will take place from november to december 2015. So, they will improve their skills according to the list of skills in the syllabus.Our students are people from low-income class family and it is quiet difficult for them to apply for a job and at last to find a job. So, thanks this training period abroad or "mobility" they will improve their skills in the Spanish language, their knowledge of a different culture and their professional skills. We know that one of the greatest conditions of employability in the future is the ability for students to access post-secondary education and then find a job. Moreover, firms of the tertiary sector look for employees who speak several languages and one at least. This program ERASMUS + is a main part of our partenership with the Spanish secondary school, I.E.S Universidad Laboral of Toledo and with all the firms which have been working with us since 2011.In 2016, it will be the fourth "mobility" program for the students of the Louis Feuillade vocational school of Lunel. And we already noticed how it was beneficial for our students who took part of the two last programs (in 2012,2013 and 2014) since all of then got their qualifications (Baccalauréat) with merit and they carry on theirs studies in a BTEC .
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