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Mobilité des jeunes en lycée professionnel et rayonnement au sein de la communauté européenne
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Saint François d’Assise Technical school is located in the southern suburbs of Paris. It’s been leading Erasmus mobility programs for more than 13 years. Our initial challenge is to bring the 260 students to pass their exam (Professionnal Baccalaureat ). Gathering the entity of our school around this rewarding program constitutes our main objective. Since 2001, more than 60 students from our European sections have been granted a professional and personal experience within the mobility program (formerly named ‘Leonardo’) in Ireland, England and Wales. In addition to that, a twinning partnership has been carried out with Wiesloch Highschoool in Germany. In that respect, those flourishing programs ensure the future challenges that we need, however, to improve year after year. Each experience enables us to facilitate the students’ professional integration in the midst of the European community. It also develops their personal fulfillment in the same way. As a rule, the leading team operates from the different questionnaires that the previous groups filled in after their mobility, so as to anticipate and avoid every possible future difficulties whatsoever. Furthermore, the National Agency’s remarks on the former applications, are very much taken into account as to enhance our organization. Also, in order to broaden the possibilities in terms of teaching fields, our school allowed another class to enter the European Section (Seconde Administration and Accounting), in addition to the ARCU section (Reception, Customer relationship), that was already selected. So that in 2014, a dozen students from these two sections are offered a mobility in the European Union between March and April. We decided to select a partner, for it seems rather difficult for the teaching team to set up a large repertory of Company addresses from a distance. The mobility program will develop as such: - Host families - 4-week internship in a company The program applies to our cosmopolitan students, whose social backgrounds are varied and most of the time rather modest. On average, they have formely experienced difficulties at school and haven’t been the ones to decide whether to prepare a professional exam or not. Their presence in Saint François d’Assise Technical School consequently being experienced as a failure in the first place. Thus, as far as we’re concerned, their level in English would not constitute a flaw whatsoever. Only their motivation being taken into account. The European mobility program undoubtedly serves their genuine value and also participates in bringing them a major asset in that professional realm. Our students’ main objectives are to improve their English levels, as well as their qualification and knowledge; to open up to other ways of lives and other cultures. The program allows them to enlarge to other layouts and reflections. We endeavor to match our students’ personalities to the project and aim to include as many of them to participate to a mobility in Europe while acknowledging a professional and personal experience abroad. The whole program will allow them to pass their Professional Bachelor successfully, honored by a “European mention”, as well as Europro and Europass diplomas. These two latest being at stake as far as their training is concerned. We noticed that those kinds of leading and challenging programs are in favor of our students’opening which constitutes an indeniable asset for their further career. Also, the program enables a better adaptation to the working field requirements, added to an easier integration. In a nutshell, our goals remain realistic, in reference with the various criteria that our partners can provide. What we try to set up is a systematic remediation, in the aftermath of each mobility, in order to diagnose the problems and determine the needs for a successful program. Throughout various activities, we tend to promote our programs and never forget to mention their beneficial consequences. Our school is nowadays very much recognized for its efficient European programs.

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