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Mobilité des enseignants du Lycée Montplaisir
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of this project is to continue developing our school’s internationalization and quality development by enhancing our teachers’ competences in the field of languages, culture and pedagogy thanks to the participation in structured teacher training courses. The results which we would like to achieve are the improvement of teaching methods and course contents as well as the teachers’ rising motivation to commit themselves in international projects. The beneficiaries of this project are five teachers who are particularly interested in improving their language and teaching competences. They are supported by our head of school as well as by the International Relations Department which helps setting up the individual projects and ensures the relations with the providers of training courses. The receiving institutions are language schools which are specialized in teacher training. They have been selected by the beneficiaries with regard to their training offer that seems to be particularly interesting as to their professional development. At the end of the training courses written and oral evaluation will allow us to measure the impact of the training course on the beneficiaries’ teaching practice. This will allow us to measure if the expected results have been achieved.
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