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"Mobilité : Construire l'Europe de demain"
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our High School Les Côtes de Villebon has been developing an international project based on a vocational training abroad programme. Since 2009, our various LEONARDO mobility activities (Slovakia, Wales, England, Ireland and Poland) have allowed several groups of our students in Catering and electro-technical courses to discover an innovative vocational training improving their language skills and expanding their personal experiences.The project team has decided to rely on the most qualified teachers in mobility activities from both departments to apply for a 12 month Erasmus+ project focusing on European citizenship , school dropout and youth unemployment. The choice of the participants has resulted in setting up a group of 44 students (boys/girls aged 16- 19 years old) who are completing year 2 and year 3 of their BTEC National Diploma and are attending European vocational issue courses.To meet our participants’ needs which are the enhancement and the acknowledgment of their vocational competences, our establishment relies on its international partners (a Polish Hospitality and catering High School since 2013) with which strong links have been created during previous preparatory meetings to implement vocational training courses and internship in local companies. So it was obvious to choose this country as being the most appropriate destinations fitting in the Erasmus+ project. Our teachers can also take advantage of their previous experiences of mobility activities with various service providers, henceforth the choice of Envol Espace which will be responsible of the organization of the internship in Malta, third country chosen for its professional opportunities adapted to the requirements of the BTECH National Diploma in Catering.The objective of the mobility activities is to give our participants in year 2 and year 3 a different approach of the learning and the practice of their profession in order to improve and share their knowledge through cooking/catering :In order to achieve the objectives of this project, the qualified teachers DNL/English use educational tools (Elearning, Etwinning) and offer a remedial vocational teaching allowing the implementation of a specific training strategy adapted to the applicants’ profile.This preparation, prior to the mobility period, spurs the motivated participants on to be involved in their progress and to adapt themselves in a new vocational and linguistic environment.To support this in-depth preparation, a thorough work from the project team, in contact with the project partners and the participants’ families, is done to ensure a control of logistic matters allowing a proper organization of the mobility activities from the start to the end. A timetable of the activities is elaborated and updated in order to make them work in the best possible conditions.To exploit the outcomes of the mobility activities, the project team will use assessment tools to analyze and quantify the expected results in order to think about future educational, linguistic or vocational remedial courses. This thought will be useful to improve the organization of future mobility projects.To make our mobility project be known locally and internationally, some communicative strategies will be implemented with our participants, teachers and partners to motivate other students and teachers in our establishment and boost the positive outcomes : individual enhancement, vocational autonomy, cultural improvement and citizenship commitment.This great team work will allow the fulfilment of the challenge taken up by our students : Mobility : To prepare europe for tomorrow.

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