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Mobilitate transnationala pentru formarea profesionala a tinerilor lucratori in lemn
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project entitled "Transnational mobility for professional training of the young wood craftmen" is directed to a group of 20 students in XIth Grade, Level 3 from Technological Forestry High School Curtea de Arges which will be qualified as technicians furniture designer and interior design, module IV "Furniture buiding" which interactions with UC12 "Furniture Building" from the standard of professional training. The project was realised after an analize within the school standards which detected the following : - Realization of practical training in companies having a high technological standard, which use materials and solutions in respect for the nature, modern systems of building; - Contact with professionists high level qualified, which use the computer for measuring and establishing of constructive solutions; - Correlation of scholar syllabus according to the work market; -Attractive practical training, efficiently adapted to students ' assimilation level; Skills related to training for integration in the workfield and passing from the school to the work place, work forming and values development to make easy the acces to other qualification levels and adaptation for the work market requirements; -Real work experiences to form a real image about career opportunities; - Language, cultural and social competences. The objectives of the project are: O1. Supporting of the participants to improve the professional competences, by acquirement of work experience into an european work environment connected to their profesional field. O2.Improving of personal competences, communication and co-operation competences in the work relationship, cultural competences to enlarge the cultural view point to increase the adaptation to the work environment and a life in a different country. O3. Encouraging the students to accept the idea of mobility in work and formation under the frame of European Union as a perspective to find a better place. O4. Reinforcing of the partenerial relationship which allow future contacts by projects financed by the UE and other sources as well. The placement period was established in a mutual agreement with the organisation reception once in 4 weeks, in two stages: the first in April 2015, the second in May 2015 which crosses the Curriculum agreed by Appendix 3 OMECI 3313/02/03/2009 for this qualification. In curriculum is scheduled that in the practical training stage module MIV is teached : "Furniture building" which is related to UC12 "Furniture building" from SPP. As during this stage all competences SPP and UC are developed, the mobility becomes part of a professional training ensured by school; by the returning from the stage, the school will do the transfer, the accreditation and includes the qualification competences developed during this stage. The transnational partnership includes: - the customer : Technological Forestry High School Curtea de Arges - the organisation of reception : Carpinteria Los Tres Juanes - interagent organisation MEP Europrojects Granada Achievements: Feedback: 1. Competences and professional skills, achieved by the 20 participants, according to the chosen profession: Technician Furniture Designer and Interior Design. 2. Improving the language communication skills, cultural and behaviour skills, work team skills according to the international context. 3. Enterprise skills development 4. CD, containing good examples of practical work during the training stage of the participants in order to use them at the specialty lessons by the specialty teachers 5. Photos exhibition dispaying activities from practical stage. 6. Developing of curricular appendix referring to furniture production according to the environmental management sistems. 7. A co-operation agreement between Technological Forestry High Scool Curtea de Arges and Carpinteria Los Tres Juanes. Long term achievements: 8. Increasing level of assimilation in work market at regional , national and european level of the undergraduates. 9. School distinction 10. Applications for new Erasmus+ mobility projects
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