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Mobilitate europeana in industria hoteliera
Start date: Sep 6, 2014, End date: Sep 5, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project „European Mobility in the Hotel Industry” addresses the students of the Technological High School of Tourism Calimanesti and starts from the main problems faced by our educational institution regarding the training / in terms of training of the future graduates of the main school profile-Tourism and Hotel Industry- namely the difficulties of performing practical training in the country and the need to practice and to deepen the knowledge of the foreign languages in this field/area of specialization / training. Also , from the questionnaires applied to the students of this profile , most of them believe that their training is largely theoretical / there are too many modules of study. These modules could be replaced by hours of practice . In this respect our project has the following objectives : 1) Supporting the Romanian participants to acquire work experience in a European working environment corresponding to their field of training / specialization- Tourism, Hotel Industry- in order to facilitate the professional integration in the labour market ; 2) The development of professional and personal skills (communication skills , cooperation skills in the labor relations , cultural skills) in order to increase the competitiveness of the vocational and technical school graduates in the labor market ; 3) The creation of those models and strategies necessary for the collaboration of the institutional level witch aims at increasing the capacity of Romanian vocational technical educational institution to provide the relevant qualifications for the labour market; There are 24 participants. They are students in the 11th grade. They are involved in the initial vocational training in the Technological High School of Tourism Calimanesti, their professional qualification is Technician in Hotels –the Services profile. The participants prepare themselves for working in the tourism industry, in the hotels or for setting up their own business .The tourism and the hotels industry, economic areas with a strong growth potential , need professionals, qualified people who are able to provide expertise and quality in the promotion and tourism services. This project will respond to the need of the future vocational technical high school graduate ( the professional qualification being Technician in hotels ) to receive specialized training as close as possible to the real background and directly integrated in the labour market. The project partnership consists of :The Technological High School of Tourism Calimanesti , the host organizations, Hotel Navras, Corona, Alixares,-and the intermediate organization MEP Euro project-all of them being in Granada, Spain. The main activities carried out for the project implementation are : 1.The elaboration and the conception of the project application contacting the host organizations and defining the partnerships by signing a Memorandum of Understanding with clearly roles of each organization. II. The preparation and the Probation agreement 1) The designation of the Project Management team 2) Local and regional information campaign about the project and its opportunities; 3) Preparing the agreement contract with the National agency and signing the contract 4) Participants’ selection 5) Detailing Training agreement with the host organization 6) The organization of the participants’ training 7) Preparing travel arrangements III. Developing Probation IV. After probation The validation and the recognition of the learning outcomes by the beneficiary organization through the probation , evaluated and validated according to the quality assurance procedures and according to Romanian legislation , order 4931\august 2008. -Designing the individual probation report of each participant -The preparation of the final report The dissemination of the project results and of the necessary measures in order to ensure the project sustainability. The working methodology will be based on: clearly establishing the roles within the partnerships through “The Memorandum of Understanding”, with the project management plan, describing the needed activities and the processes in order to fulfill the objectives and in order to achieve the expected results , preparing the financial and the technical documentation. Expected results: the improvement of the knowledge skills and of specialized skills of the participants at a rate of up to 80%. -developing the capacity and the adaptive qualities of the participants to new situations and the new social and cultural background , developing the spirit of working in a competitive environment at the European standards , knowledge of other European realities , economic, social and cultural models , linguistic skills –the final products of valorization and multiplication : the CD of the project , leaflets ( 200 copies), a poster, a website, auxiliary teaching.
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4 Partners Participants