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Mobilitate Erasmus pentru Stimularea Angajabilitatii Viitoare
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Four tech. highsch. from the V - West region, in RO, reunited in the nat. cons. HD-TM-VET, currently coordinated by The Tech. College „Transylvania” Deva, and 198 participants, sts. and teachers, will participate in the proj. „Mobility Erasmus +” to stimulate future profess. insertion on the labour market.- 36 students in the 11th grade, qualifying as Mechatronics Technicians level 4, 19 internship days in PT/PL;- 30 students in the 11th grade, qualifying as Transportation Technicians, level 4, 19 internship days in DE;- 44 students in the 11th grade, qualifying as Telecommunications Technicians, level 4, 19 internship days in PT/PL;- 22 students in the 11th grade, qualifying as Computer Technician Operators, level 4, 19 internship days in PT/PL;-15 students in the 11th grade, qualifying as Automation technicians level 4, 19 internship days in PT;- 15 students in the 11th grade, qualifying as Word and image processing technician operators, level 4, 26 internship days each in PT- 14 students in the 10 th grade, vocational school, qualifying as Car mechanics, level 3, 33 internship days in DE- 8 teachers of specialised tech. modules, performing each of them 10 days of job shadowing in one of the partner instit.The general goal of this project is to enhance internat. particip. in each of the tech. high schools involved, allowing both sts. and teachers to benefit from a profess. exp. abroad.The more specific object. are:O1: The acquisition of knowledge, skills and compet. for the 176 sts. of the HD-TM-VET consort. in the qualifying field in EU countr. and the recogn. of the above mentioned in their schools, at home.O2: The acquisition of compet. for the VET staff in order to improve profess. training of sts.O3: Developing ECVET partnerships and building durable nat. VET consortia in order to facilitate profess. and geograph. mobility as well as increase employability of young europ..As for the method. and managem. of the project:- the project covers a period of 2 years, btw. 01.06.2016-31.05.2018, involv. 12 flows, 176 students+ 1 flow, 8 VET staff mobilities- the internships are part of the mandatory training course for sts. and are meant to develop general tech. skills and compet. that combine with the mandatory modules in the nat. curriculum:-Electronical circuits, M9, common to all qualif. in the fields of Electronics and Automation, Electric and Mechanical-Digital image process., M8, for Printing Techniques-Basic work in the curr. auto mechanics, M3, for Mechanics, vocational schoolThe KSC accumulated will be eval. at the end of the internship in educat. systems that are different from the RO syst., validated through Europass and transf. home via ECVET where they will be acknowledged by the sts.’ schools of origin in order to be included in the qualif. descript. at the end of the sts.’ studies.The consort. created in 2014, expanded with a new member in 2015, has made the most of the exp. gained through the Erasmus+ Project „ Let’s build together the future”and the connections at the european level, has chosen receiv. partners based on the profile of the part. and, considering the dimension of this project, has taken the necessary measures to eliminate any kind of risks, thus ensuring the quality of the training, the transfer and recognition of the acquired RI abroad, that is:-has concluded a Partnership/Consort. agreement with the roles and responsib. of the members in implementing the project-has reviewed the existing MoU with internat. part. and has concluded a new one, ensuring the genral frame of coop. -together with partners, has elaborated and signed a L.A. for each qualificat. in which one can find the RI acquired at the end of the internship, the content of the activities, the eval. strategy and the recognition methodThe certification is to be done by means of Europass certificates. The tutoring and guidance will be done by an internship tutor and the monit. activity performed by 13 accomp. RO teachers.For the staff, the content of the obs/job shadowing activ, focuses on the use of new tech. in the teach. and learn. of specialized tech. modules. The activity will be acknowledged and equated with profess. transf. credits.All the particip. will benefit from training regarding the internship tasks, lg. training, OSL courses or org. by the sending instit., in particular English and intercultural. The expected results: competences, qualifications, professional insertion on the labour market, innovative strategies, a consortium that goes beyond the time limits of this particular project and sets an example of best practice when it comes to ensuring the quality and internationalization of education, extensive international cooperation that will contribute to reaching the goals of Europa 2020 strategy regarding education, the reduction of school dropout and the decreasing rate of unemployment among young people.
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