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Mobilitate ERASMUS+Impreuna in Erasmus pentru un viitor în Europa
Start date: Oct 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project for a better future in Europe is proposed by the rural consortium constituted by C.T.Matasari as the coordonater together with three schools Technological High School General Constantin Sandru, Technological High School Balteni and Technological High School Rosia de Amaradia. The Project „Erasmus + Mobility for a Better Future of the Youngsters of the Gorj County” was born from understanding the fact that educational systems must answer the challenges Europe faces - fighting unemployment amongst young people, and to provide them with the necessary aptitudes for the labour market and economy, allowing them also play an active role in society and deveop personally. The pupils learning at the schools from the consortium, teenagers with fewer possibilitiesin the rural area, a former mining region of the Gorj County, deserve opportunities which actually help their personal,professional and social development, as well as their transition from school to work when they graduate. They need a quality training in order to acquire the competences necessary to allow them cope with the demands of the employers, to improve their chances to get a job on the European/international labour market. Otherwise they cannot reach their maximum potential. Their impossibility yo succeed will have a negative impact not only on themselves, but also it will mean a waste of institutional resources both for Romania and Europe. Taking into account that practical training is an important vector in formation and development of employability comeptences of teenagers ( Education Monitor 2014, CE), our choice was turning it into a European cooperation vector through this project, in order to internationalize this fundamental component of the mandatory training programme of the students of Col. Tehnic Matasari and the competences they would acquire with the purpose of enhancing their employability. The project addresses to students of the tecnological high school, superior cycle, XI and XII grades, qualification Environment and environment quality protection technician , economic activity technician and computer operating trechnician level4, who live in rural area. The projects aims at developing, in an international context, specialized technical competences, stipulated in the SPP: -Electronic circuits health security and work labor protection- Payment instruments, UC 25+ their recognition abroad through ECVET + new skills and key competences relevant to the labour market: linguistic, intercultural, social. Its objectives are: Ob.1 Acquisition of professional competences by the future technicians in their field of qualification –mechanics and economic - and the recognition of these competences by the schoolOb.2 Accumulation of personal skills and competences, getting acquianted with work routine and organizational culture of a European work environment. Ob.3 Improvement of linguistic competencies for a better adjustment to a European socio-professional environment and promotion of intercultural education. Ob.4 Development of European cooperation in the filed of education and professional training. Methodology: The project takes places for a period of one year and it includes: - 40 professional trainig stages in PT. at a training center CKP in Wroclaw, between 6.03.201724.03.2017(flux2) .6.02.2017-24.02.2017(flux1)+ 18 professional trainig stages in PT in campains in Portugal, between 15.05.2017-2.06.2017(flux3)Strategy: Preparation will take place at two levels: *Practical training, the educational content of the stage matches the mandatory modules stipulated by the national curriculum for Practical Training:1.M7Payment instruments for XI gradres, Economic Activity Technician. 2.M9 Electronic Circuits M9 for XI gradesThe duration of the practical stages complies with the duration settled by the Education Planning approved by ministry Order for these fileds of training/qualifications, Annex 3 to OMECTS nr. 3331 of 25.02.2010. *Cultural and linguistic preparation in their free time and week ends, as integral part of the activity. Before the mobility,pedagogical, linguistic and cultural preparation will take place for a good communication in a foreign language, knowledge of cultural peculiarities of Portugal and Poland and also to ensure o good correspondemce between expectations and opportunities, a 55 hour programme which will take place at school. Follow-up:LO acquired by students in Portugal and Poland will be transfered, validated, recognized through grades/credits at Col.Teh.Matasari Outcomes and Impact:: 58 students with Europass Certificates, better chances to transition, tested ECVET implementation procedures, more expertise in project management, a VET consortium, durable transnational partnerships and 1 new Erasmus + project,
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