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Mobilitami študentov k vyššiemu hodnoteniu kvality školy.
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

It’s a long time that our school considered the possibility to give our students the opportunity of training in another EU country. The right moment occurred when our teacher took the initiative and having asked for cooperation one of the expert partners in Germany - Children's dental clinic in Munich, we were offered the opportunity to cooperate with them, so we decided this would be just the right way for using the project Erasmus +.The purpose of students ’geographical mobility is to give them an opportunity to participate in a foreign professional practical experience that will improve their language competencies and professional skills. Only the best students will take part in this project and therefore they’ll be enough motivated to improve even their academic achievement.The project is scheduled for 18 months. In whole twelve students attending the 3rd and 4th grade of professional dental assistant will participate in mobility. Three participants will take part in four sessions .The 3rd year student's mobility is planned for two weeks in two sessions. It's part of their compulsory six-week practical training .The final results of mobility will be fully recognised. At the same time the ECVET project will be created for ECVET partnership with this clinic.For recent graduates from fourth grade or the third year students of professional dental assistant is planned an extension of five-week professional experience in two sessions.The content of geographical mobility will be equivalent to the qualification standard in the home system.Mobility will be monitored regularly by a leading manager from dental assistant school as well as by its management. Students receive thorough professional, linguistic and cultural preparation. There are minors in the third grade that’s why an accompanying person will prepare materials for ECVET project and in the framework of monitoring will ensure even learning about the culture in Munich for students in their free time.The project's success will reflect increased interest in study and work for qualified candidates. We might consider that more special teachers in other fields will be more motivated to complete a geographical mobility . It will be a sign of our openness towards the international projects. The school will become better known, more modern, increase the quality evaluation of school and globally will improve the image of school at all levels
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