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Mobilitäts- und Arbeitserfahrungen für junge Auszubildende in Europa
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Commercial College in Hanau (KSH) intends to provide internships abroad for young student in vocational training schemes (dual system) and in vocational courses such as "bilingual assistant"/"personal manager with foreign language skills". The college wants to encourage mobility to European countries. We train about 600 apprentices in the commercial sector. Just few of those have been able to gather experience in European countries so far. Our college intends to boost this number significantly and prepares to become a major provider for internships abroad. We generally highlight the importance of internships of at least four weeks and in some departments of the school these are obligatory. The objectives of the internships abroad are personal development of the young students, insight in unknown entrepreneurial structures and rather foreign working processes and companies`profiles. Communication in the foreign language in the company and in daily life will be a challenge, which enables participants to become acquainted with a somewhat different culture and gives them a chance to use skills acquired at school in authentic situations.Most participants dispose of GSCE level education ("O-levels") and thus need more motivation and encouragement than other students with higher education levels ("A-levels").We expect the participants to benefit highly from their internships abroad. However, not only they will have an experience for their life, but also our school and internationally oriented companies in the area of Hanau will benefit from their step abroad.Of course, we hope to be able to continue such projects in future, so that they will be a keystone in the concept of our college.
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