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Mobilität von Lernenden im Garten- u. Landschaftsbau 2016
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Louise-Schroeder-Schule has established exchange program for apprentices/trainees in agriculture/landscapa gardening with the french region Aquitaine for 5 years. The exchange involves a mutual agrrement. In spring 15 trainees from France work for 3 weeks in German companies. then in the following fall our trainees work for 3 weeks in Bordeuaux . In these 3 weeks our trainees works and train in established companies for vocational training and have the opportunity to experience different main areas.Our trainees are the beginnung of their final year at college. . The all have basic knowledge of Englisch, mostly no knowledge of French. The are always participants with different secondary school qualifications.Application, insurance, booking of flights and contracts with the companies are organized by our school. Our partners in France organize the companies and stay in France. At weekends they offer a leisure time programm with cultural activities. A permanent contact via email and phone is always garanted.3 days prior the flight back one or two of our colleagues travel to Bordeaux and evaluate the exchange and accompany the trainees back home.It is our goal to qualify our tzrainees for the Europeanlabor market. The acquire competences of new working methods in a different cultural surrounding. At the same time the learn a lot about the culture of their host country. All these aspects support a better understanding between people fromm different countries and reduce prejudices.
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