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Mobilität und internationale berufliche Handlungskompetenz
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project 'Mobility and International Professional Action Competence' as a project for learners and staff in higher education and vocational education and training (VET) will be planned, implemented and evaluated by the Europaschule BBS1 Northeim. As one of four vocational colleges BBS1 Northeim is currently taking part in the pilot project Development of Mobility Centres initiated by the Lower Saxony ministry of education in the period 1st September 2012 to 31st August 2015 in order to develop a concept for the implementation of mobility projects through regional associations and to support internationalization of vocational training through an increase of learning mobility. As a consequence of positive experience with the current project we intend to continue our work even after the end of the project in 2015 and try to enable internationally inactive schools to offer mobility experiences for their students. Consequently, we include the Johannes-Selenka-Schule in Brunswick, the BBS Vocational College in Einbeck and the forwarding agent Zufall in Göttingen in our Erasmus plus project. By doing so we make a contribution to reaching the German and the European benchmarks concerning learning mobility. As foreign partners we integrate our longterm European partners that have experience resulting from several mobility projects: Instituto Educación Secundaria 'Mar de Cádiz' (Spain), Lycee des metiers Etion (France), Gymnázium a Obchodní akademie Orlová (Czech Republic), Zespol Szkol nr 2 im. Stanlislawa Staszica w Nowym Tomyslu (Poland) und Stichting Nordwin College (the Netherlands). Our two German partner colleges are planning to cooperate with their own European partner schools in Poland and Spain. At BBS1 the project is carried out by the team Mobility Centre that consists of the following experienced mobility project experts: Frank Brennecke (head of department Internationalization), Cornelia Rückert (EU-project adviser of Lower Saxony’s Educational Authorities), Peter Beushausen (project coordinator) and Marcus Krohn (head of team for additional qualification Europakauffrau/-mann). In addition, some colleagues are responsible as country advisers for the European partners. In the course of the implementation of longterm mobility projects we have developed a project management and corresponding instruments. Among other things we use check lists for trainees and partner enterprises, learning agreements, memorandums of unterstanding and detailed task descriptions for the members of our project team. The objective of the project is the leaning mobility of 62 trainees in commercial training for different jobs who will, as a rule, spend a three-week work placement in another European country. Then there are 14 students of a special department for Social Care Work at BBS Einbeck. For the cooperation with all our European partners we apply for one-week mobility for educational staff (14 people) in order to support the coordination of the project together with the foreign partners, to define competences and to develop detailed learning outcomes. Through the mobility project our students get the opportunity to gain professional experience in an international context. In addition to getting to know a foreign working world, the work placement students gain a greater understanding and responsiveness to social, linguistic and cultural diversity. In this context we make a contribution to improving the level of key competences and skills, with particular regard to their relevance for the labour market and their contribution to a cohesive society, in particular through increased opportunities for learning mobility and through strengthened cooperation between the world of education and training and the world of work. Our mobility project supports language learning, mainly for English, French and Spanish, on an elementary level also Polish and Czech. A three-week work placement is an integral part of the additional qualification as European Business Assistant which BBS1 Northeim provides. In combination with other modules of this qualification (ECDL, TELC, KMK English certificate, international business processes) a work placement of our mobility project leads to an increased capacity to operate at EU/international level for students. We expect to bring positive and long-lasting effects on the participants and participating organisations involved. Students will profit from an improved learning performance, enhanced employability and improved career prospects.
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7 Partners Participants