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Mobilität lohnt sich II
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Berufsbildenden Schulen II Stade intend to enable their students a practical training of three weeks abroad. All students are taking part in a traineeship in the Dual System which means they spend one part of their training in their companies and the other one at school. The participating trainees will be selected by us together with the companies and attend a cross-cultural training program. During the practical training abroad, teachers of the Berufsbildenden Schulen II as well as trainers from the partner organisations will take care of the exchange trainees. The project aims to enable the future employees to react flexibly to the changing demands of a globalized economy. In the future, employees need intercultural, communicative and language skills as well as the ability to adapt quickly to new working situations and workplaces. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the possibility of developing and improving these skills at the beginning of their career, already. A practical training abroad can be an advantage in competition. Also, the trainees will be asked to use their technical knowledge and gain new knowledge in an unknown work environment. The project can also be seen as a step to establishing a cross-border training partnership which is of increasing importance e.g. in the transnational logistic sector. In this project the Berufsbildenden Schulen II will act as sending organization. As project executing organization, the project will be managed and coordinated by the Berufsbildenden Schulen II Stade.

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