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Mobilität in der Siemens Berufsausbildung 2015
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The teaching of global competencies is increasingly an important criterion for the quality and attractiveness of vocational education. In our company it is important to consider community-based content in initial vocational training even more , especially in the trained with us professions as Technical product designer , industrial mechanic , machinist and electronics , which are increasingly affected by the changes of the common market . The teaching of world - oriented skills, language skills , knowledge of the different political and economic systems in the world, the knowledge of the legal and social regulations in the various States , and the understanding of the living conditions of neighbors , with the staff and "colleagues " the Durham training Centres are particularly needed by an international orientation within the dual system , through the integration of exchange and training periods abroad in companies involved in the exchange , absolutely. As a result of the globalization of the world of work , here: Siemens AG , which has manufacturing and engineering sites in Germany , Great Britain, Hungary, USA, India and Indonesia, is reinforced with new, very different forms of labor mobility between locations be expected . There will be employment , education and training of staff and trainees at all levels. Global Mobility, and the personal willingness to make active use of the new opportunities , educational and professional opportunities are to be found beyond borders the requirements for education and training in our home. Vocational training must not merely " make them fit for the job" be , but should aim to teach skills and to promote in addition to professional and comprehensive personal and social competence.

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