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Mobilität als Berufsausbildung
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project has the aim to improve the kowledge, the skills and competences of apprentices in the vocational areas of fine opticians, material testers, electricians, metal technicians and mechatronics. Furthermore intercultural and language competences should be broadened and prejudices should be diminished, aims which are part of the profile of the Werner-von-Siemens-Schhool as European School of the state of Hesse. Another important goal of the project is to define mobilty projects as integral part of vocational training. Only by cooperating with European partners on all social levels - but especially in vocational training - a positive partnership can be established, in order to achieve a European consciousness and awarenesss and to create a positive European identity. After the work placement at a European school and firm the participants should recognize the other - foreign - person as a friend, not as competitor. 20 apprentices in the next 2 years shall visit partner schools and firms in France and Turkey. The ones already selected for the next school year want to improve their professional skills to enhance their chances to find suitable jobs on a European work market. The participants have a positive attitude towards Europe and they are eager to learn and experience more about culture and life in their host countries. At the end of September 2014 the participants will be trained for a week at our European partner schools, learning about the new country and its culture, but also about working in this country. After this they go to the selected firms to start their internship / work placement. The guidelines for this training have been discussed and agreed on at the beginning of the new schoolyear. Together with teachers and trainers in their local firms they have worked out a learning agreement and defined expected learning outcomes. All logistical aspects of the exchange in the host country are in the hands of the coordinators of the partner schools, also the monitoring process. At the end of the work placement colleagues of our school will visit the firms and will with the help of local teachers carry out the evaluation process with all persons participating, they will assess the EUROPASS activities and prepare the necessary reports. The participants will improve their vocational and cultural competences, will in the future be able to solve problems more relaxed and flexible, they will broaden their job perspectives and , so we hope, take the way of lifelong learning in their future. In the long run mobility projects should be standard at the WvSS and define the profile of vocational training for apprentices, trainers in firms and teachers. Erasmus+ projects help the WvSS to establish a European network of vocational education, which supports future trainees in their efforts to find their place in a European living space in regard to work and their personal life.

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