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Mobilita žáků - zvýšení odborných znalostí a kompetencí
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Describe clearly and concisely and specify at least the following information: context, the emergence of the project, the goals of the project, the number and the profile of the participants, a description of the activities, the methodology of the implementation of the project, a short description of expected results and impact of the project and its expected long-term benefits. Furthermore, our goal is to enable pupils from socially disadvantages families to work and live in another country. We plan to incorporate pupils with special educational needs into the project. The goals that we defined for the pupils (who actively involved in the project) are focused on the acquisition of new, mainly professional experience, knowledge of new technologies which they do not recognize in their own schools in the region. Other objectives are the development of the personality, the ability to move in a competitive environment, adaptability to different working conditions and a different work organization. Among the other goals include discovering a different socio-cultural environment and creating positive relationships among the participants of the project and the organizations themselves. The project is important for the cooperating organizations primarily in terms of exchange of experience in the implementation of new methods and formo f vocational education and the introduction of positive knowledge and activities into their systém of vocational education. The project is important for the participants in terms of acquisition of the modern methods used in the timbler and automotive industry within the EU, the acquisition of new skills, new knowledge of the working environment and working conditions. It s also very important to recognize and compare the conditions concern vocational training for each of the cooperating organizations, comparing used technologies in the various regions, expansion of knowledge and professional skills. The project is planned to be reciprocally with four four-week Exchange scholarships, with 8 participants of placement, over the years 2015-2018. The project respond to the application of the equal opportunities for all students. There are 60% of students who come from socially disadvantages families. These students couldn’t increase their professional skills abroad without financial assistance EU in Framework of the project. The project will involve three organizations – SOU Hluboš, SPŠ Prešov, and SOŠT Prešov. The organizations prepare the pupils for their future profession in the timber industry, metalcutting industry and in the automotive industry. The schools have not only many common but also different specifics. These specifics result from the regional development and the focus areas of the industry. These specifics also result from the possibilities and conditions of education in the region. Partner schools have different chances in the implementation of vocational training pupils. These options in vocational education are the main element of our project. Project participants acquire new skills and experiences and extend knowledge in the field. The project will help the participants to improve the application to labour market within the EU. There are less academically proficient students on the partner schools but on the contrary they are very skilld manually. These students tend to be in their field manual hone. Some of them finished their compulsory attendance at special schools. We chose these partners because of these partner schools have the same field of interest and similar educational and training issues with pupils. Exchange of experience among co-operating organizations help the organizatios to their futher development.
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2 Partners Participants