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Mobilisierung des Personals zur Vermittlung von Sprachen und Internationalisierung der Schule im Sinne einer Europa-Schule
Start date: Jul 11, 2016, End date: Jul 10, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Due to a demographical change and the growing heterogeneity of the European and therefore German society, the demands on internationalization and the cultural understanding for each other have grown. In the fields of education as well as work higher communicating skills are required and especially English as lingua franca is gaining more and more importance. Through the further education of three of our colleagues we want to introduce an improved methodology, didactics as well as new media concerning teaching second languages in our classroom. Our primary goal is a higher motivation concerning the use of English as a second language for both teachers and students. Through the continuous development of medial skills (E-twinning) we want to build up new international contacts as well as intensify already existing ones in order to emphasize the importance of a united Europe. The long-term goals of such a mobilization are the encounter, communication, cultural exchange and understanding between teachers and students of different nationalities. This will be evaluated through constant surveys for teachers and students.

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