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Mobilisierung der Lehrer zur Einführung des bilingualen Unterrichts und Einbindung des E-twinning zur globalen Internationalisierung!
Start date: Jul 28, 2014, End date: Jul 27, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

1 Background: Project "e-twinning" an "inter-cultural journey through Europe" from Berlin as a divided city until 2014 planned in several phases. The Project will be a motor of european development and mobility. Primary has the cooperation together european schools. 2. Aims and points of interest: What can be achieved through cooperation with European schools and students of the "European family" and the importance of mobility as an engine of development. The project will show places of interest in Berlin connected with (History/Politics/Society/Religion/Food/Hospitality) eye witnesses will be spoken to about it and then the findings will be presented as an introductory journey to other schools via e twinning using video. This will have introduced the city and at the end it will have had the effect of having brought all Europe closer together by means of a intercultural journey. Hopefully it will break down prejudices and awake interest in different cultures and strengthen learning over national borders using modern communication like SKYPE and other social networks. The importance of the “Digital Agenda” will be shown to students in a practical manner. The instruction will be done in English so schools in Eastern Europe can also partake. 3. Participants: Two classes of 30 students will partake. The module will be undertaken in the Ethic class. As the project is still in the starting phase no concrete statements can be made regarding the next phases.
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