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Mobile together
Start date: Dec 31, 2012, End date: Apr 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Many rural areas lack public transportation or it is sparse, which means that its inhabitants have to rely on cars and the commuters tend to drive alone. This leads to higher living costs due to car dependency, unnecessary environmental stress with poorly exploited cars and difficulties to be mobile for youngsters and people without cars. Ride-sharing is one way to enhance sustainable development conditions in rural and small town areas but can also have community-building effects by joining inhabitants. The project "Mobile together" intends to establish related ride-sharing communities. To avoid that "wheels are invented twice", it will start with a field trip to a successful ride-sharing initiative that also has increased the social activities in the village, at the same time as money and environment is saved, a true example of rural sustainable development. Based on this and additional best practice investigations, every partner region will, subsequent to this, develop and test ride sharing concepts for the own region in close cooperation with each other. The ride-sharing communities to be established as combination of community self-understanding and availability of suitable tools are intended to be a guiding example for a larger region and thus, other communities. Being adapted to specific local needs, the means of promoting ride-sharing may vary, but could include applications for cell phones, computer programs or more traditional means of communication (bulletin boards etc.).After an evaluation period of at least six months the results are analysed and discussed among the partners. The participating regions will jointly analyse the experiences from the local projects, the achieved results and specify which method or methods work best and under what circumstances. The social interactions and involvement in the community is expected to increase as an effect of the project, thereby strengthening the solidarity but also the feeling of following an internationally relevant standard. The outcome of the analysis, in terms of economic, environmental and social implications, will be jointly turned into a strategy for implementing ride-sharing initiatives on a larger scale, a region-wide promotion of the ride-sharing idea and related concepts and a best practice guide with advice for implementation. Achievements: The project team was formally established via relevant contracting and started it's cooperation in March 2013 with the kickoff meeting. Soon after, a good working situation was established resulting into a joint elaboration of local analyses for the ride-sharing regions to be established as well as inspiring compilation of existing best practices that help the project with additional guidance. The other source of inspiration was the study trip to Tolg where the partners were informed about the succesful ridesharing initiative in the region. Based on all these inputs, the development of local ride-sharing concepts was started for Kröpelin and Tingsryd and resulted into first concept versions published in June 2013, updated took place over the following months. Based on thse concepts, the development of the ridesharing systems for the regions was started in June 2013, with Kröpelin developing an own system (, Tingsryd chosing a system out of several established suppliers and, as a side effect, Bützow establishing an own free-of-charge system for a part of Rostock region based on the German FLINC system. Resulting from all these preparation activities, 4 launching events took place in Tingsryd and Rostock region on 23./24.11.2013 and all system started their public operation from then on. Along all these activities meetings with potential supporters were held in all involved partner regions, newsletters were used for system promotion as well as press articles, radio broadcasts and mailings. In MS3 of the project, the working focus was on evaluating the system operation and use which was done in 3 evaluation rounds in total. The results were used for optimizing the ride-sharing systems in all locations. A final evaluation report was issued in July 2014 and served as the basis for strategy papers for the two main partner regions, Kröpelin and Tingsryd that identified the further work on ride-sharing in the region. Furthermore, a final best practice report was issued by the project consortium. All these materials were presented to a group of 50 participants on the final project event which was implemented as a study trip on 16 October 2014. After the final partner meeting on 17 October, the partners issued local newsletters and elaborated working plans for 2015 for every region. From September 2014 on, the development of a follow-up project was processed aiming to a first meeting of the future partner consortium in January 2015.
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  • 78.8%   203 408,50
  • 2007 - 2013 South Baltic (PL-SE-DK-LT-DE)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants