European Projects
Mobile aujourd’hui pour être employable demain
Mobile aujourd’hui pour être employable demain
Start date: Jul 1, 2014,
End date: Jun 30, 2015
Sophie Germain high school is the promoter of the Erasmus+ project 2014-2015 and will give the opportunity to 12 motivated students, willing to live an unusual experience, to go to England as a trainee. They are students preparing a baccalaureate exam (High School Leaving Certificate) in administration & management, sales and trade.
We do have 18 work placement possibilities and more (see appendix 2: letters of intent, appendix 3: list of partners) thanks to the relationships we developed throughout the six previous Leonardo projects. However, we chose to give this opportunity only to 12 participants which gives us the possibility to have six extra safe work placements in case of problems.
After several months of training (see appendix 1: work plan), the students will go to England in January & February 2015.
They will do a work placement linked to their vocational training during four weeks in the area of Whitley Bay and Newcastle.
Students in administration & management will be welcomed in companies such as OXFAM, North Tyneside Council or Tynemet College or international companies such as Fuda or Ferguson Transports.
Sales and trade students will get the opportunity to improve their skills in charity shops such as Age UK, Barnardos, British Heart Foundation, Red Cross, and shops such as FE Maughan and Marks and Spencer, the new partner in this Erasmus+ project.
Our students will individually stay at selected host families in order to encourage relationships and improve their English.
Mrs Christine Goodwin, the manager of Northumbria school of English, will be in charge of selecting host families, providing linguistic support, and organising one cultural activity each weekend. She has been involved in our mobility projects for four years.
On Tuesday afternoons the participants will meet Whitley Bay High School students during tuitions where they will attend linguistic and cultural supports. Whitley Bay High School teachers all agree that French students show a real interest in the English language and culture. This could lead them to be more open-minded and dynamic. Our participants mobility could also offer future prospects to English students who are not willing to leave their country. It will enable us to organise exchanges and encourage mobility in both countries. Our vocational high school is located in Thionville, in the core of "La Grande Région" (Luxemburg, France and Germany). This location makes this experience relevant. Indeed, mobility with these three countries is a characteristic of local employment markets with the increasing number of border workers. This new application aims at securing this need to get interested in other farther European countries. One of our school project priorities is the mobility development. Moreover getting involved in such a project enables to meet the demand of the objectives of our European sections.
Such a project offers obvious and important benefits for our students. This mobility is a profitable experience, useful and enriching their professional career. Discovering a new culture and improving language skills will develop autonomy, responsability, and self-fulfillment. Besides, a one-month work placement for our students, in an English company, will encourage the awareness of European citizenship. Indeed very few students are unaware of this concept because they are not used to travelling. The impact of mobility on our students will help them to pass their examination more easily and to get the "European" Mention plus the "Europass Mobility Certificate". Thus, thanks to an improved C.V., their job search or future studies should be faced with less anxiety.
Consequently, they will be more likely to work on the European or international market. This Erasmus+ project will make our Sophie Germain high school, the Region Lorraine and the European Union more attractive and enhance their values and fame.
We will try and share our experience and activities with the press and media, which hopefully should raise interest in other students to join the programme.
To put it in a nutshell, the educational systems have to upgrade and fit into the new ways of teaching and learning. Therefore, we have the duty to carry on with this new European Erasmus+ project.