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Mobile 3DTV Content Delivery Optimization over DVB-H System (Mobile3DTV)
Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The MOBILE3DTV project aims at developing core elements of the next generation of mobile 3D television (3DTV). The project scenario assumes that stereoscopic video is captured and converted to a proper content format, then compressed, encapsulated, and broadcast to a large audience of mobile users, whose terminal devices receive, decode, and display the 3D content. Building upon two established technologies, namely the European DVB-H standard and auto-stereoscopic displays, the consortium will develop optimal mobile 3DTV data format and the associated content creation methods. Novel stereo video codecs, suitable for the robust delivery over the error-prone broadcasting channel, will be developed in the project. Resilience to transmission errors and concealment of degradations due to packet-loss, compression or stereoscopic artefacts will be investigated and optimized in terms of the quality perceived by user. Perceptual quality metrics will be developed in order to support the objective assessment of user satisfaction of the visualized 3DTV content. Advanced computational imagery algorithms for visual quality enhancement will be developed for both encoder and decoder side aiming to ensure the best possible visual experience for an acceptable computational effort. A prototype handheld device will be designed to receive, decode, and play stereoscopic video-streams. It will be used as the terminal device of a complete end-to-end mobile 3DTV system to be setup within the project in order to demonstrate the feasibility of delivering mobile 3DTV content over a real DVB-H channel. The resulting mobile 3DTV technology will have the potential to become widely available to consumers for 3D-content delivery. This is expected to strengthen the leading role of Europe in introducing novel media technologies and to generate new and sustainable market opportunities for European hardware manufacturers, software developers and content producers.
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5 Partners Participants