Search for European Projects

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Within our school project we particularly emphasize successful market integration of our students, reducing early school leaving and bringing more students to obtain qualification and go into further education. A team of teacher is involved in the project: English teacher: Ms Gillet Spanish teacher: Ms Font, Ms Mallet Mechanical engineering teacher: Mr Albert Industrial maintenance teacher: Mr. Igual Commerce teacher: Ms Nguyen Management and business teachers: Ms Alingrin, Ms Lallemand, Mr. Andres This team is dedicated to improve the attractiveness of the courses taught as well as facilitating the acquisition of fundamental skills. Our action aims at developing European citizenship through the exploration of a foreign language and culture rooted in the reality of different professional backgrounds. We wish to give our students the opportunity to develop their professional as well as their personal skills in Europe and to do so in a foreign language. We insist on mobility and multicultural perspectives for young people who have seldom left their home area. Students ‘selection: we chose to select pupils in their last year courses (3rd year Advanced Vocational Certificate of Education). The courses involved are the ones in which handling a foreign language is important for further education as well as for labour market integration. For example: English machine tools used in France require skills in technical English. Spanish companies doing business in France are very close to our area. Two foreign languages are requested for the management and business courses. We defined two main objectives to improve the labour market integration of our students: - On a personal level we wish to allow our students to be more confident and enhance their self-esteem. Having overcome their apprehension of an unknown environment through their work placement abroad, the students will be readier to confront new situations. Their adaptability will be enhanced and they will be more aware of a global environment. - On a professional level: they will improve their capacity of adapting themselves to a different work background while developing purely professional skills. - On a linguistic level: they will be able to further their knowledge of the language and improve their European Framework level (from B1 to B2) thus attaining and hopefully overlapping the required exam level. They will also enlarge and deepen their knowledge of another European country and thus be able to develop their European citizenship. We determined the means to reach these objectives: - Language teachers and professional teachers work in team in order to prepare the students (worksheets, practical and project work). - Language teachers help the students to discover the region and the organization where they will do their work placement. - Each student will have a “travel guide “prepared by the teachers in which they will have to relate all the different aspects of their mobility (task report at work, everyday life, and cultural visits -APPENDIXES 41-42). We established programs of activities to be undertaken during and after the stays in Britain and in Spain: - 4 week work placements in organizations thus allowing students to develop professional and linguistic skills. - Cultural activities allowing the students to develop their knowledge of the host country. - Assessment of the students through final exam tests (Advanced Vocational Certificate of Education) and mobility assessment test (APPENDIX 61). Student's moblilities are scheduled according to the training period's timetable: 2015 in Salford: Oct. 2 TU Nov. 2 GA 2016 in Tarrega Feb. 2 MEI Nov. 2 GA 2016 in Salford June 6 Vente oct. 2 TU 2017 in Tarrega Feb. 2 MEI 7 teachers’s mobilities ( 3 in Spain and 4 in Britain) will be necessary in order to install and introduce the students in the host country , induction days being requested by host organizations. These mobilities will also be needed to assess the students’ work placement in situ. As a whole: 18 student mobilities + 7 teacher mobilities. The impact will be : - Individual: for each student who will be more willing to go into further education. - Institutional: our school will reinforce the links between its different courses and secondary and higher education. - Systemic: harmonized practices will federate industrial, management and commerce courses and tighten the link between the different teams involved in the project.

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