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Mobil in Europa - Kooperation durch innovative Projekte in der Berufsausbildung II
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aspiration of the projects, concerning the mobilities, is the acquisition of specific subject oriented as well as sociocultural oriented skills and likewise the process of getting in touch with internal processes of companies. The following mobilities A1 – A5, which are listed subsequently, should be conceived as processes which involve the entire institutional concepts of the progress management. To be more precise, this involves the preparation, execution and post processing including evaluation and dissemination (e.g. handover of the EUROPASS, transfer of skills by oral presentations and expositions). According to these mechanisms the institution is able to compare and to validate certain skills, acquisition and experiences.This comprises the following educational careers A1 Nr. 1-4 technical assistant for processing renewable resourcesWe are going to set up a work placement for 24 students in this branch of trade in foreign countries of the European Union. Here the students are going to put their theory into practice. Priorities: sustainable labor, processing renewable resources and energies.A1Nr. 5-6 milling machine operator The vocational school “Berufsbildende Schulen II des Landkreises Gifhorn (BBS II Gifhorn)” is going to set up a work placement for 12 apprentices in Finland. In Finnish companies the students are going to experience a work placement that enables them to get insight into metal working using exclusively new techniques. Priorities: CNC-techiques, CAM-techniques. A2 Nr.1-2 engineering draughtsmanWe are going to set up a work placement for 16 apprentices during their second year of apprenticeship. According to the curriculum the second year of the apprenticeship comprises the vast field of moulding plastics and metals. A student’s project in this specific topic is going to be planned, constructed, produced and of cause assessed. This project will be prepared in Germany, however it has to be realized in Spain. To do so, our institute cooperates with the schools in Spain which will lead the students to accomplish their concepts according to ECVET. Based on that concept, the students acquire a module in the framework of ECVET. This concept has already proven its usefulness in the years 2014 and 2015. Priorities: moulding , planning, construction, producing.A3 Nr. 1-2; 2 Mobilites : a six months work placement for technical assistant for processing renewable resources or a twelve months work placement for engineering draughtsman in addition to the completed apprenticeship. While the years passed our institute observed a rising number of students doing work placements in Island, Canada, Republic of Estonia, Spain, India or Kenya. To support that development, to set a signal for future students and to support them on their very own individual way, we want to extent our work, and want to offer two more chances for our students doing a long term work placement. A4 Nr. 1-2 RDL –VETPRO: 2 times a one week mobility for every teacher; 2 mobilities for each participant (VETPRO) in the network regions of learning Göttingen-Gifhorn; 20 participants are going to Spain in 2016 and 20 participants are going to Greece in 2017This advanced training is focussed on the topics profession preparation , inclusion and the system of vocational education in the target country. This mobility was already successfully executed in Denmark in 2013 and in Finland in 2014. According to the topics mentioned above, the teachers develop a higher comprehension of the school systems of our European partners. The mobilities offer the teachers chances to share their experiences concerning inclusion as well. Regarding the contact to Greece the topics are completed by support of the Greek colleagues and the setup of contacts to schools in Germany.Teachers and non-educational staff are the people of interest here. They are part of the vocational preparation and transition from school of general education towards vocational school in the region of Brunswick and Göttingen. Both regions are interconnected in a project called “Regionen des Lernens” regions of learning which was established in 2007 and since then supported by the “Kultusministerium Niedersachsens” ministery of culture in Lower Saxony. Very soon all cities and countries of Lower Saxony were integrated into the program to improve the situation of the dual educational system and especially the transfer situation and the situation of apprenticeship. Experts of vocational preparation and profession guidance at schools of general education provide advice for the schools to realise specific decrees for the German Realschule, Oberschule, Hauptschulen and Gymnasien as well as IGS. Since 2012 the topic inclusion was added to the vocational education. There are ten regions of learning in the region of Brunswick/Göttingen. These regions contain 32 vocational schools, 82 Hauptschulen, 87 Realschulen and 16 Oberschulen.

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