European Projects
Mobil in Europa - innovative Bildungsgänge in der ..
Mobil in Europa - innovative Bildungsgänge in der beruflichen Erstausbildung
Start date: Jul 1, 2014,
End date: Jun 30, 2016
A1 Technical assistent for manufacturing renewable resources
The project NawaRo IV is the third application of students in the two years education certified technical assistent for manufacturing renewable resources. The EU-internship, taking place in the second year of education, is an essential part of the apprenticeship. The apprenticeship is an experimental project of the school in Lower Saxony comprising 24 students each year. The certificate implies the chance of acquiring the additional Fachhochschulreife (advanved technical college entrance qualification). Based upon the knowledge of the projects already completed, we value the EU-internships as important, especially for the participants who are able to gain insight into the world of work in a foreign country. Furthermore the internship supports the English language and communication skills of the students. Six of our students had their six month internship in India, Iceland, Canada and Spain. Their experience were of great value for themselves but also for us. The aim of the EU-internship is to gain knowledge of a company which is embedded in the process of environmentally sustainable developments. To be more precise, these are companies of wood- and paperworking, waste management, solar- and windpower as well as the reutilisation of renewable resources.
The selection of the companies is based upon the disposition of offering our students an internship. In the last years 12 -14 students were able to attend a three week internship in different countries. The selection of students going abroad is the result of a catalogue of criteria based upon former occupational decisions.
A2 Technical product design
The apprenticeship of a technical product designer is a highly skilled one. Since 2005 the apprenticeship is accredited in the German vocational education system, duale Berufsausbildung. Our school had a leading part in the development of this apprenticeship. In 2008 we were supported with subsidies of the government to establish an innovative centre for product design comprising all new CNC-equipment. As a matter of fact, the apprenticeship is aligned to this standard. We are currently teaching 150 students in four different years of apprenticeship. All companies were informed of the fact that their students will have the chance of doing a three week internship. This project is especially for students of technical product design in the second year of the apprenticeship.
Hence the project is a great addition to the, all in all, four years way of education which is completed with the final exam (German IHK-Prüfung). Concerning the curriculum, the first year comprises the generating, modifying and documentation of 3D-datasets for components and groups of components. These devices are based on technical and creative standards. The second year implies methods of forming metal and synthetics. Furthermore it is envisaged that the students develop a project on the basis of the content already acquired. The realisation of this project will take place in companies in Spain. The whole project is emanating from the subject area six: synthetic components (German: Lernfeld 6 „Bauteile aus Kunststoffen“). This subject area implies planning, designing, producing, evaluating and the enhancement of an injection casting mould. The project is prepared in Germany, arranged with the company in Spain and realised during the internship. The purpose of this project is to develop and integrate a modul of skills into the apprenticeship, according to the ECVET framework.
A1,A2 purposes for the projects
For the student the main purpose of the internship is to gain as much experience as possible. Furthermore the internship offers the opportunity to achieve more communication skills as well as an insight into the world of work in other EU-countries. The knowledge of cultural aspects is an addition to acquire a positive attitude towards an united Europe. In form and content, the perception concerning the specific field of renewable resources and renewable energies reveals the advanced position of Germany in this field compared to other EU countries. However, Germany is also interested in gaining knowledge of rather new and innovative projects in other countries.
The execution of the projects will take place during the vacation in autumn plus an additional week of education. The countries the project A1 is developed for, are Amot/Norway, Tamsweg/Austria and Immatra/Finland. Project A2 is designed for Irun/Spain.
Furthermore the projects are considered for the second year of apprenticeship of the technical assistent for manufacturing renewable resources. To attend the projects it is necessary that the participants confirm their successful attendance and final exams of the first year or second year of education. All programs containing the specific projects are based upon a close collaboration with the twin schools.