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Mo.G.E. – Mobilità delle Guide Ecomuseali
Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT Figthing rising level of unemployment among young people is one of the most urgent tasks for European governments. The European Commission has actively been seeking to promote work-based learning through high-quality apprenticeships and traineeships as an effective tool for integrating young people into the labour market. Empirical evidence suggests that a stronger cooperation between the world of education and training and the world of work would be beneficial to fight high levels of young people?s unemployment, by contributing to the acquisition of work-related skills and experience in close alignment with employer requirements. Indeed, students spending a training period in another country as part of their education are more prone to work abroad when they enter into the labour market. In order to support innovation and modernisation of vocational education and training institutions, and to meet the needs of youth and employers, the partner organizations intend to develop and manage a transnational mobility project, lasting 35 days, for 60 VET learners (students in vocational training schools), in the area of sustainable tourism. In particular the abroad training content would seek to help learners acquire the full set of knowledge, skills and competences required for a specific occupation, the ecomuseum guide. The competitiveness of the European tourism industry is closely linked to its sustainability, as the quality of tourist destinations is strongly influenced by their natural and cultural environment and their integration into the local community. The ecomuseum is ascending to the European scene as one of the most innovative formula able to balance conservation and development, culture and landscape, local identity and turistic flow. In order to endorse its own heritage the Puglia Government has recently approved multiple and effective actions. OBJECTIVES Briefly, the proposed project aims to: ? support learners in the acquisition of the competences, knowledge and skills required to become a ecomuseum guide, as well as intercultural competences; ? ensure a formal recognition of competences gained through the learning periods abroad; ? enhance technical skills of learners by emphasizing on practical knowledge within training programmes; ? improve learners? employability and personal growth; ? improve the participants? foreign languages competence; ? raise the participants? awareness of European citizenship and identity; ? reinforce synergies between vocational training and employment in the field of sustainable tourism and ecomuseums. PARTICIPANTS Beneficiaries of this mobility project will be 60 students attending a Tourism Course at a VET school. In order to support students under the age of 18 in their period abroad, accompanying persons will be essential. ACTIVITIES To achieve these goals the following main activities would be manage: ? Preparation (including communication events, selection of participants, practical arrangements, , set up of agreements with partners and participants, linguistic and task-related preparation of participants) ? Implementation of the mobility activities (including travel and stay abroad, traineeships, tutoring and mentoring); ? Follow-up (including the evaluation of the activities, the dissemination and exploitation of the project results). METHODOLOGY The whole project would be managed by the partnership according to a well defined timetable and a detailed and widely shared plan, including a Student management Plan, a Marketing and Communications Plan, and a Dissemination and exploitation Plan. RESULTS AND IMPACT The project aims to: -contribute to the modernisation of the Education institutions; -improve the quality of the learning process; -increase the employability of young people.

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