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Многообразието на европейската кухня
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The idea of the project “Variety of European cuisine” is prompted by the necessity of young people undergoing initial vocational training, who have already had theoretical knowledge in the field of food technology, restaurant keeping and catering, to take the training in a real working environment. The realization of the project is required by the needs of the participants to acquire new practical experience in the sphere of European cuisine, respectively the Italian and Spanish cuisine. The execution of the project is related with the requirements for implementing the EU policy in terms of entrepreneurship and developing entrepreneurial potential. In spite of the economic difficulties recently a progress in the tourism branch has been recorded. In order to prolong this positive tendency in future it is necessary to invest in training of future specialists in an environment which is adequate and close to the real one in the hotel and restaurant keeping business.The aim of the project is to improve the existing professional skills in restaurant keeping and catering, acquisition of quality new competencies in the area of the European cuisine, respectively the Italian and Spanish cuisine. It is possible only by transnational training in country, which has traditions in this field, where the beneficiaries will obtain new knowledge and gain new techniques and technologies in the real environment. They will enlarge their labor culture, language competencies and will improve the knowledge about European values.The project will be implemented by Finansovo-stopanska gimnaziya "Vasil Levski", Montana, and receiving partners YouNet - Bologna, Italy and Tribeka Training Lab – Malaga, Spain. The partners are organizations with proven experience in the field of organising mobility for VET learners and also have got solid relationships with employers in the respective region.The objectives of the partnership are organizing and realization of four-week practice of 40 students from specialties “Organisation of tourism and free time” and “Catering” from FSG "Vasil Levski"- Montana. The mobility will be divided into two flows – Italy – 20 students and Spain – 20 students. The practice will be realized in different types of restaurants, chosen by the partners and in response of the needs of beneficiaries. The following activities have been planned: Organization and management of the project; Preliminary preparation of the mobility, including conduction of a procedure for selection of the beneficiaries and carrying out pedagogical, linguistic and cultural preparation of the participants; Organisation of the mobility and signing agreements with the partners and the beneficiaries; Realization and reporting of the transnational practice and its results; Creation of final outputs; Visibility and dissemination of the project results activities. For the needs of the practice, a detailed curriculum (training programme) has been developed and agreed by the sending organization and the partners. The project envisages conduction of two preparatory meetings in the receiving states. The process of the practical organization of the mobility will be coordinated and controlled by all stake holders. Expected outcomes at project level:1. Mastery of technique for making traditional dishes by 40 participants in the mobility;2. Organisation of culinary show after the completion of the practice;3. Mini cooking manual;Expected results on beneficiaries include: improvement of the competencies and elaboration of existing professional experiences; acquisition of particular experience through practicing; development of entrepreneurial skills; enriching the linguistic skills in English of the profession and new competencies in Italian and Spanish; more deeply acquainting the partners’ states culture; development of personal skills directly linked with their future profession; certification of the organized pedagogical and linguistic preparation; certificate for mobility and Europass.Expected result on participating organizations include: acquaintance and introduction of successful practices which will be used in the process of improving the quality of the vocational training; improving methods and quality of work; extending the experience in European projects thus added new value; improving the capacity for partnership and cooperation between organizations working in the field of vocational educational training and the business; increasing the capacity for planning and coordination of activities, related with mobility of learners. The initiator’s aims in the short-term plan is to obtain know-how regarding ways of implementation and interaction between the educational institutions and business environment, and implement European experience into vocational training. The long-term plan is to multiply the outcomes of the project among the associations connected with vocational training.

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