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MMap: mental mapping in Hungarian - Romanian cooperation (MMAP)
Start date: Sep 30, 2010, End date: Sep 29, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project's objective is to develop the methodology of mental mapping with the completion of new algorithmic procedures.Mental mapping is a relatively young interdisciplinary developmental stream, which has a 40 year old past. Mental mapping deals with the way people sense the space that surrounds them; the results are mostly utilized in the territories of urbanities, developmental psychology and robotics.The project would like to exploit and enhance the initial advantage that can be experienced in the territory of mental mapping, through an international initiative. The Mental Map Editor 1.0 software which is in English language has to be translated into Hungarian and Romanian languages, and these, with the permission of the property owner, will be published on their own website for free, in Hungarian and Romanian. With the further elements of the software two newer procedures are being completed and being developed to the level of algorithm plan. These were previously designated as line average and methods.On the basis of algorithm plan, the software's completion is a later task, but the final objective is to publish the Mental Map Editor 2.0. expanded with these two elements.Target groups of the projects are partner organizations, participants at professional conferences, students, researchers, graduate students, public administration, regional settlement institutions, city development and settlement institutions, municipalities , architecture, urbanism, geography (social , regional, cultural), environmental psychology.
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  • 81.7%   40 862,90
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Romania (HU-RO)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants