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Młodzież ku Europie
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project participants - trainees were students of the Vocational Schools in Pińczów, young people aged 17-19 years old learner in professions such as mechanical technician, economic technician and technician. Training project for technicians in the UK consisted of practice in mechanical workshops. According to the assumptions of the project, internships were carried out in 1 group - 16 trainees (with two tutors from the school). The placement was carried out in the period 08.06.2015-26.06.2015. Internship in Italy for 32 participants (of 4 tutors from the school) was carried out in the period 07.09.2015-25.09.2015. It took the form of practical training at the training center. The aim of the project was to improve the quality of vocational education and increase opportunities for students from the district Pińczów at European and national labor market, help participants acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and qualifications and to contribute to the knowledge of the beneficiaries professional English language, as well as getting to know a foreign culture and methods and organization of work - in order to use them in Polish realities. Participation in internship was to improve the chances of future employees start their career and help them find attractive activities, as well as provide significant support in the event of the establishment by the intern - after graduating from high school -their own businesses. Support was provided to students coming from less developed eastern Polish territories, with an unemployment rate higher than the average. With the evaluation report drawn up following the placement indicates that the competence of beneficiaries increased and that the objectives established in the project has been fully osiągnięte.It increased confidence of participants, they learned methods of work in a European, multicultural environment, they have discovered new opportunities for professional development and increased their self-esteem . First of all, the project participants put their professional skills on the unique elements associated with the taught profession, broke the barrier of communicating in a foreign language in the workplace. Each participant received a Europass Mobility document describing exactly what profesionals and additional benefits participant has reached an apprentice. Participants also received a certificate from the host organization placement.
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