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Młodzi przyszłością Europy
Start date: Aug 27, 2014, End date: Nov 26, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project participants are young people from the Centre for Training and Education OHP Mysłakowice and young people from Ukraine . The project will be dedicated to young people living in Europe and their problems . In Ukraine, a lot is happening now . We live in a common Europe, and all the events that are in the place , are our common cause . We want our colleagues and friends from the Ukraine broke away from the problems facing their country now . In a relaxed and friendly atmosphere we will talk about what it means to live in a common Europe , and indeed what it means. We want to get to know our colleagues and friends from the Ukraine. In our center we gain professional chef and will have the opportunity to present our culinary skills on the occasion of the evening devoted to Polish dishes . We will be wondering whether Ukrainian borsch is truly Ukrainian . We want to know the most famous legends from Ukraine and they will tell their . We will invite our project a professional advisor to shed more light on issues related to mobility on the job market . We are very curious about how our counterparts cope with job search and that in them it is difficult to find a job. The exchange partner will take place from 27.09.2014-03.10.2014. Will be attended by 19 participants and participants and caregivers (two from Poland, one from Ukraine ) . The title of our project "Young future of Europe " reflects his character. The project is devoted to the problems of young people living in a common Europe, and equal opportunities. During the stay in Mysłakowice common issues would be addressed in the context of the stereotypes of perception itself. Among the objectives of the project include: - organizing time through physical activities outdoors, - knowledge of their cultures through national evenings ( typical dishes , dances ) - Accept your difference, otherness - such as cultural , - Raising the awareness of being a European in the context of developments in Ukraine , - Competition devoid of negative emotions that lead to unnecessary conflict , - Learning events, - Tolerance , - cooperation and integration of the two groups of nations. Methods of work will be: - Workshops , lectures , - Thematic competitions , - physical activity, - Simulations and demonstrations . The project will initiate dialogue between young people from the Polish and Ukraine in order to get to know and accept cultural differences . The effect of joint actions will be to prepare a folder that will be presented in local exchange participants . In order to continue the project will create an informal group of young people of the two nations " Countryman " to keep in touch and continue the idea of European unity exchanges on youth.

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