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Młodzi na rynku pracy / Young people at the labour market
Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Young people, in the opinion of employers, are not enough prepared to the labour market. Not every graduate is able to find a job and even if he/she finds it, not everybody is able to meet expectations of the employer. Young people during their studies often do not take the additional activity associated with involvement into student's unions or NGOs. Most of them do not take additional internships and practices in line with their profession. Their skills, competences and expectations often fail to match what is expected from them at the labour market. The Strategic Partnership we establish aims to diagnose the problem and to reply to it effectively through cooperation, experience and information exchange, development of didactic materials (lesson and workshops scenarios for youth organizations, schools and universities), development of the audiovisual didactic materials. Moreover we will also conduct info campaign in social media and TV, which will inform young people how to get prepared to the requirements of the modern labor market. The Strategic Partnership involves the cooperation of Polish Slovak, Italian and Maltese institutions at the regional level and includes: NGOs, youth organizations, trade unions and production company. Main activities of the project include: Diagnose of skills and competences which the employers expect from their future employees Best practice sharing and exchange of information and expertise of all stakeholders involved in the project Development of didactic materials - lesson's and workshops scenarios, which will be adapted to the school programmes and NGO programmes (lessons of entrepreneurship, non-formal education workshops, workshops during career days at universities) Development of didactic audiovisual materials - to work with youth in the sphere of development of their social and personal competences and preparing them to the labour market Information broschure - which promotes active citizenship, young's people involvement into students’ and youth organization Info campaign in social media and regional and national TV Staff trainings - trainings for youth workers and teachers at schools in order to adapt developed didactic materials into school and NGO educational programmes Local 1-day testing seminars for youth - testing of didactic materials developed during the project Final conference in Warsaw promoting and disseminating results of the project.

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