European Projects
Młody Europejski Rolnik
Młody Europejski Rolnik
Start date: Dec 31, 2015,
End date: Dec 30, 2016
The project "Young European Farmer" is an initiative which aims to develop the 20-member group of young people selected from the students of the School in Rawa Mazowiecka, learning in the profession Farmer. In this framework will be a 14-days vocational training in Greece in one of the companies operating in the sectors of agriculture and / or processability and food. It will include daily activities and work under the supervision of professionals and experts of the host organization, which will allow students to look at the realities of the agricultural enterprises, the basics of management, methods of cultivation in Greece, used machines and technologies, as well as efficient management of available resources. All of this will also help the acquisition of certain social skills such as the ability to work in a group, make responsible decisions in difficult and stressful situations. Every day, in addition to the practices of the participants, will also be proposed cultural program, which will allow them to take a look at Greece and opens up to other cultures and societies. The whole is summed up by the experts, as well as carers, whose opinions will be used for the preparation of the report, as well as assessment of acquired competences by young people and the inclusion of relevant information in ECVET. Participants will be selected on the basis of individual performance, both owned and those that manage to work out during the preparatory period.
Objectives of the project:
- The acquisition of new skills and expertise, as well as the improvement of previously held the skills of young people enrolled in the direction of the profession Farmer;
- Improving self-esteem and self-reliance of participants, and the ability to work effectively in a group, including in difficult and stressful.
- To familiarize participants with the Greek culture, allowing for opening up to other countries and cultures and to encourage international networking and, thus, take similar initiatives (including training and exchanges) in the future.
- The promotion of EU programs in the field of mobility of young people, including professional training abroad.
- To increase and improve cooperation between the organizations active in the field of action for vocational training and youth mobile activity, and also increase the potential and attractiveness of these organizations, which had a positive result in the implementation of similar initiatives in the future.
- Improving the knowledge of foreign languages, as well as encourage their learning by drawing attention to their enormous role.
Methodology: apprenticeships, work in a group, use of elements of informal education, cultural education.
Expected results and long-term benefits:
All participants will be better prepared for the profession, towards which they are trained. Gaining new knowledge of the methods of cultivation, the use of modern technology and the role of the European Union rural development, as well as acquire new skills, which will include handling machinery and equipment associated with modern agricultural enterprise, the activities related to the production process, as well as the achievement of the assumed objectives through the efficient use of resources and cooperative action with the rest of the team. Students will also be sensitive to how important foreign languages are, especially for their own professional development, the development of international cooperation and moving around the European labor market. Confirmation of all acquired skills will be certified and to evaluate the use of ECVET elements that will be additional advantages in labor markets. The project will be promoted on the websites of the parties, as well as special meetings with the participants.