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Młody budowlaniec na małych placach budowy w Niemczech
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Der junge Bauarbeiter auf kleinen Baustellen in Deutschland" – is a project, prepared together from the Zespół Szkół Nr. 1 in Wadowice and German partners. It continues the ERASMUS+ Projekt 2014 “Kleine Baustellen – die individuelle Entwicklung von Kompetenzen” and the Leonardo da Vinci – Projekt 2013. The beginning is planned for the 01.06.2015 and it will last 24 months. The main coordinator in Germany is the Siegmundsburger Haus Werraquelle GmbH (SHW) from Thuringia. The company Objekt-Innenausbau based in Eisenach belongs also to the associates.The project is made for graduates of the der Zespół Szkół Nr. 1 in Wadowice. These students should come from Wadowice and the surrounding area, which depicts a high unemployment rate.4 groups will take part in the internship: in February 2016, July 2016, September 2016 and march 2017. Aims for staying in a foreign country and internship in Germany are:1) development of professional skills in the field of building trade and renovation2) improving of language skills (German)3) enhancing of key skills(reading, writing, using of mouther tongue, handle with computers and internet)4) developing self-dependence of the participant 5) train social graves and build international friendships6) development of the mobility of the participant in the European labour marketBefore starting the internship the participants will join a speaking-pedagogical-culturalt preparation, including following methods: additional German lessons in school and on E-Learning platforms of the European commission, the training of “selbstständige Zubereitung von Speisen”, first aid course and the training “Waschen und Körperpflege”. Previous to the departure the participants will get known the members for SHW, who realize an information meeting for the participants, their parents and teachers. This will contain the mental differences between Poland and Germany.In according to assure a high quality project a memorandum of understanding between the company SHW and the school were signed. After choosing the participants a learning agreement between school, SHW and student will be signed. A part of this Learning Agreement is the document "Verpflichtung zur Gewährleistung der Qualität der Mobilität".The degree of development of the participant will evaluate by the ECVET-System, that offers the international acceptance of the achievements of the participant. After finishing the internship the students and graduates get a Europass Mobility, European language pass and a certificate from the German main partner. The school certificates a document for finishing the internship and the participation in the intensive preparation for the staying in a foreign country.By realizing the project we hope that the prestige of an apprenticeship will increase in our school and area. The project boosts the chance to find a job in their profession for the participants. The improved skills of building labours in Wadowice and surrounding area allow the development of the local economy and reducing the unemployment. While planning this project we refer to the Europa 2020 strategy, ERASMUS+ guide and priorities of the ERASMUS+ program.

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