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Младите хора - създатели на политики за развитие на общността чрез култура и творчество
Start date: Sep 1, 2012,

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This goal will be achieved through a combination of activities, including studies to map the current employment situation in the CCIs in three select municipalities, interviews and discussions with decision and policy makers, visits to cultural institutions, and developing policy and program recommendations to those responsible for youth employment policies. The project will run for 12 months, involving 180 young people (16-29 years), from the municipalities of Silistra, Shoumen, Pernik and the city of Sofia. Young people will author studies and electronic reference books (???Casting for Creative Municipalities??? and ???Casting for Young Creators???) with practical information about the needed key competencies and best practice for professional realization of the youth in CCIs. A short video will be created, capturing the work of the young people during the project, and will be disseminated through social media (Facebook), email, internet, for better outreach and demonstration that young people have the resources needed for both personal and community development. A concluding national meeting will bring the young people together in Sofia, for face-to-face discussions with policy makers, debates with other youth, and developing integrated proposals for changes in the existing national youth employment policies.

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