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Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

National project of structured dialogue with will establish space, possibility and support for young people from all over Slovenia to actively participate in discussion on topics of forth cycle of structure dialogue on theme youth empoveremnt. We wish to enable young people to become more included in decision-making processes and to give them the opportunity to express their views and thereby develop measures to support policy decisions with which they can later more easily identify and find them legitimate. At the same time, through consultations with young people, we identify their real needs in different environments. Through a structured approach to developing solutions to the issues that concern young people, we strengthen constructive communication between young people and the wider public, especially with decision-makers. We shall address the most crucial challenges that young people are facing in local communities. Within the scope of the project we will run 20 local meetings in cooperation with youth organiaztions and educational institutions (high schools, colleges) on the current topics within the process of structured dialogue at EU level. We will also organize two-day meeting with representatives of youth organizations and one day meeting with representatives of youth centers. The biggest event of the project will be national conference which will last three days and where we will face local, national and European decision makers and young people in oreder to prepare stratey how to implement meassures that young people will prepare on consultations across Slovenia. We will offering to the young people a quality learning experience and support in identifying informally acquired experience and expertise to local youth. The structured dialogue process in these consultations conducted and led by qualified MSS coaches. The programme makes use of methods which are used in youth work and non-formal environmental education. These participatory and active methods allow for greater flexibility, attractiveness, opportunity to participate, as well as a more equal participation of all participants. On consulattions we will analyses local enviroment and prepare masseurs which will be adressed to different decission makers (local decission makers, decission maker at facultites and schools ) Everything will be connected with youth work and participation (in democratic life) of young people, where youth work is nurturing. The question is how youth work and active participation contributes to young people’s social inclusion, young empoverment and higher employability. On local meetings we will include the themes and contetnt reletaed to the wnew theme of the forth cycle of structured dialogue Youth empovermnet. Our coaches will present the themes such as youth employment, youth education, mobility , participation, volunteering , health, youth information and housing for youth. Results will be published in publication of the project and will be distributed nationally. The main goal of project is therefore the possibility for young people from local community from all over Slovenia, to actively participate and send strong message to the decision makers, that they want to be involved and want to influence policy making that influence them and that decision makers should support youth organisations, organisations working with and for youth and local youth councils, that support young people to be active citizens. In our project we will include 645 young people from different background and enviroment. Aims of the project: • promoting active citizenship, participation and inclusion of young people; • involving young people through a variety of youth organizations and youth organizations, and educational institutions (high schools, colleges) in the project; • organize national conference which will last three days and where we will face local, national and European decision makers and young people in oreder to prepare stratey how to implement meassures that young people will prepare on consultations across Slovenia. • organize two-day meeting with representatives of youth organizations and one day meeting with representatives of youth centers. • building partnerships with youth organizations, youth organizations and educational institutions and decision makers in the context of the structured dialogue; • informing young people and the general public on a structured dialogue as an integral part of youth policy and its (other) concrete forms; • convergence of political decision-making to young people; • construction of a support system for sustainable structured dialogue;

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