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Младежка гражданска инициатива / Youth Citizens’ Initiative
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Empowering young people and creating opportunities for them to develop their skills to work and participate actively in society is essential for the sustainable economic and social development of the European Union, especially in the context of a challenging economic climate, globalization, knowledge-based economies and aging societies where young people should have the opportunity to develop their potential. In the context of economic and financial crisis conditions for the young people increasingly become worse. High levels of youth unemployment, child poverty, bad health, school dropping out affect large number of young people and cause antipathy and indifference to things that happen on the political scene. According to the Eurobarometer survey published in 2013, 48 % of young people between 15 and 24 are not interested in European affairs. As it comes to the attitude of young people towards the formulation and implementation of policies, we observe a negative trend on national and regional level. In this context „Organization for Scientific and Practical Development of the Students“ (ONPRS) has realized the project “Youth Citizens' lnitiative“ to focus on turning youngsters’ attention and interest to the political scene. The project main aim was to promote active citizenship of young people through the implementation of an innovative platform for dialogue between young people and youth policy-makers at a local level. The specific objectives were: - Establishing an effective model for cooperation between young people, youth organizations and local youth policy-makers; - Increasing the engagement of young people through voluntary activities; - Improving the knowledge of youngsters about youth policies and the European Year for development. The project aims were implemented by the following activities: - Organizing a conference dedicated to the European Year for Development. The focus was put on informing and involving young people in the name of development, encouraging them to participate in various volunteer initiatives; - Development of a platform for online consultations, meetings and initiation of Youth Citizens’ Initiative. This platform is based on the basis of consultations with young people, aiming to establish their needs in terms of their participation in democratic life; - Organization of a seminar for building an effective model for cooperation between young people and local authorities and for providing feedback on issues affecting young people and the role of the interactive platform as a method of carrying out such a connection. One of the main topics was the promotion of volunteering activities and the initiation of the first Youth Citizens' Initiative.
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